The Pre (pre-launch, pre-blast, pre-naming)

Arriving at the site, Goose and YHC were hoping that other braves would show up to give this pre-launch a boost.  Fear not, this is CARPEX…..there will be men.  And mighty fine men at that.

After planting the site shovel - soon to be a shovel flag (something new) - and, thank you PBX, FOD’s shovel flag (something borrowed) the site co-Q’s YHC (something Sky Blue) and Goose (something old approaching “respect”)  were ready to get the day started.

Warm Up:

After a warm Good morning (10), the warm up got underway properly with:

20 IW’s; 20 plankjacks, then find some kerb for:

20 quick-feet; 20 little baby dips; 20 little kerb-derkins; 20 little kerb-erkins & Repeato

The Thangs

Run around the vast site that is MP (Mills Park) all the way to the fire-escape stairwell – split into two groups:

  • Group 1 – run up stairs, stopping at each landing for 1 burpee, 2 burpee etc to the top
  • Group 2 – alternating 20 Plank Jacks; 20 Mountainclimbers, until FLAPJACK

10 count to recover follow by a swift run past the soccer fields around past the elementary school to the bus route. Jog along the road stopping at every second lamppost for 20 merkins, admiring the open expanses and opportunities at the site to hand over the Q to Goose.

Back at the parking lot above the track, for some ballerina stretches (harder than they sound), squats and star jumps (Goose signature move).

Run to the astroturf pitch for a bearcrawl-inchworm the whole length of the field – which took about two hours to complete. If you can do that, you can do the Odyssey!

B-L-I-M-P-S run back to the parking lot & circle up near the shovel and shovel-flags for some box-cutter work and perfect finish with a minute of have a nice day.


  • Announcements – GREAT NEW SITE launching in 2 weeks…Mills Park - Thursday at 0545.  Name to follow….
  • Other announcements – Odyssey, F3 Dads, Christmas Party, Krispy Kreme challenge + Q school.
  • Prayers – all unsaid prayers and praises


  • MP is a truly huge site….we barely made a dint in covering the whole AO.
  • Counting in a coordinated manner still evades me.
  • PBX must have brought out a pocket star map or something, judging by all the references to Uranus he kept making when we were bear-crawling.
  • It’s getting too dark for Goose to easily read a weinke.
  • Its amazing how long a pitch seems when Bearcrawling indian run style along it…..

See also