The Pax Will Not Be Silenced

16 loudmouths gathered at the gates of Apex Skate Park in hopes that their choice of Bounty Hunters (aka the AO not Q’d by Hi-Liter) would provide some welcome relief.  Of course, YHC, being a man of the people, took requests.  “Not too much running, no burpees, and few Merkins, if you don’t mind McCants.”  Really? Well, there you have it.

Warmup: High tempo lap around the outside of the soccer field, Freddy Mercury’s until the six shows up, SSH, Lil Man JJ, and, oh, wait, Burt wants to storm the circle since his Hokies won a home game?, 20 Burpees oyo.  Recover on the jog around to the other side of the soccer field, 25 Merkins.  Requests fulfilled.

At this juncture, it dawns on YHC that no site-Q decided to post this morning, which meant no shovel flag.  In swoops Grizzly Adams, I mean Red Ryder, who just so happens to have a backup in his truck.  YHC to Red Ryder, “go.” YHC to PAX: “5, 4, 3, 2, 1, catch Red Ryder.”  And so the PAX ran their first of many wind sprints.

Thang: Pledge of Allegiance, into the soccer field (thank you Cheddar Bo), full field 7s (Merkins and Burpees of course).  After picking up the six, and after 1.6 miles of Burt talking, YHC tested the depths of the waters with a BTTW hello to FIA, who just so happened to be in the parking lot behind the fence. Of course, this turned into banter about a partner BTTW/people’s chair with FIA, which turned into Burt making a comment about that currency adorned with Andrew Jackson, which turned into Earhart reminding Burt that there were some Ms in FIA, which turned into YHC trying to run the ever-living mumble chatter out of the PAX with a set of four wind sprints. Guess what?  Didn’t work.  Total shocker, I know.  And so, YHC threw in half-field gorilla hops, half-field bear crawls, another wind sprint, and 50 cadence count LBCs, only to find . . . the PAX will not be silenced.

Praises go up to WonderBread’s youngest who turned 3, Michelob’s youngest who has been accepted to NC State, and Khakis for working to make sure that we strive to be safe as Qs kick the shit out of us.

YHC out.

See also