The password is "Repeato"

They say repetition is the key to mastery. If this is true then the HIM at Tortoises have reached the level of “Master” at receiving a full body beatdown. Shifu Xinkule.

Prior to the workout Disco Duck, Earhart, Freebird and YHC enjoyed a relaxing 3-mile EC. It was a nice run, however we were almost tased by a female Apex police officer for running on the road instead of the sidewalk. Earhart volunteered to be cuffed and undergo a full body search, but she wasn’t having it. We were set free with a warning, which we promptly ignored soon after she drove out of sight. (Disclaimer: parts of this story have been fabricated.)

Warm Up

25 repetitions of the following: SSH, Imperial Walker, Forward Arm Circles, Reverse Arm Circles, Seal Clap, Overhead Clap.


Thang 1

20 repetitions each of the following exercises with coupons: Curls, Shoulder Press, Overhead Tricep Extensions, Bent Over Row, Shoulder Fly or Extensions (squat hold)

Repeato Repeato

Thang 2

Pullups x5, Merkins x10, Squats x15, LBC x20 (plank hold)

Repeato Repeato

Thang 3

Repeato Thang 1


Thang 4

Repeato Thang 2



Plank Jacks x25 Mountain Climbers x25 American Hammer x25 100s

Hey, I finished on time!


Memorial Day Convergence 5/28

Prayers for Bocephus’ friend and uncle

Prayers & Praises for Ascot and his family

YHC concluded with a quote from author and speaker Kevin Skeens.

“If you only had today, what would you do? Would you wake up and show the world who you are? Would you stand up for it? Or would you sit back and wait for it? Be something today that even yourself will look up to the next day. You get one chance in this lifetime. No day is guaranteed. Don’t let things go unsaid, goals unmet and effort not given. Make every minute of everyday count.”


See also