The Pain of Victory

YHC generally likes to plan a pattern or theme to Q’s to aid in poor memory and develop some flow within the workout. Today’s inspiration cam from Monday nights College Football National Championship game.

A high scoring game with some ok decently suited acronyms laid the ground work for an Q. But I couldn’t remember the order of scoring and TD vs FG so I arrived at Hot for Teacher a little early with some sidewalk chalk in hand to sketch out my weinke along the path.

Seven Pax met me at the flag at 5:30 - no FNG’s so a very brief disclaimer a pledge and we took off behind the flag up to the sidewalk and to the end of the far parking lot.

Warm Up

  • SSH
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Daisy Pickers
  • Runner Stretch

Main Thing

BAMA Exercises


A:ir Squats


A:merican hammer

OSU Exercises

O:verhead Claps


U:p Straddle Hop (aka “unfortunate cheerleader hop”)

Mosey to the far end o the parking lot (back towards the flag) where the first touch down occurred. PAX stayed together and performed in cadence the “BAMA” Excercises

Once completed mosey along to the next touch down and perform the “OSU” Exercises continue this until points have been accounted for:

  • BAMA (7)

  • OSU (7)

  • BAMA (7)

  • OSU (7)

  • BAMA (7)

  • OSU (3)

  • BAMA (7)

  • BAMA (7)

  • BAMA (7)

  • OSU (7)

  • BAMA (7)

  • BAMA (7)

The Agony of Defeat

Some where around the end of the first half it became very clear to Banjo why OSU had lost this game - their exercises were way easier than BAMA’s. As the QiC I felt a little guilty and called Obama’s to even the score a little, if only in our reenactment.

PAX 4 count bear crawled + 4 count merkin from the first pickle light pole to the one nearest the flag.

With shoulders sufficiently smoked we called the game moseyed back to the flag.


  • Dying cockroaches
  • Inchworms
  • Freddie Merc’s
  • Straight leg lunges
  • A-Rods => JLo + Pickle Pounder
  • 100’s
  • Pigeon & Calf Stretch


  • Freed To Bleed Jan 23
  • DDD Feb 6
  • ECP 2021


  • Nation
  • COViD / Caretakers
  • My cousin Erin being treated for burns

See also