The OCTOTHREAT is real, people. Prepare yourselves!

Another glorious day in the gloom is upon us and YHC is ready for his second ever solo Q at his favorite AO, Bradford’s Ordinary (BO for short).  As always, there’s been a lot of mumble chatter in CARPex and YHC has been trying to keep up.  If only there was a way to organize our chatter in such a manner where one could easily find topics of conversation and @ their favorite PAX in order to provoke an immediate reply.  Oh well, I guess I’ll go back to sifting through Slack threads and try to catch up.  Maybe we need a few more channels?  Anyway, pardon my tangent.

Luckily, YHC stumbled upon two main topics of chatter in recent weeks, the request for more Vanilla workouts and the emergence of the Octothreat.  What’s the Octothreat you ask?  Let me quote our good friend from Louisville, Captain Insano:

Defining the Octothreat is like me telling you how to taste umami; how to feel a kiss from a rose; how to know if your kid is truly good looking_; how to be your own Octothreat. Plus, I don’t own Octothreat. I’m barely a caretaker. I just happened to be in the same_ ether when it was born from the mind of Hello Kitty of F3 Carpex.  Therefore, I define it with both care and trepidation. Hello Kitty can clarify any errors in the comment section below. But here goes:

Definition 1: Octothreat. Adjective.

A description of a person who has almost three times the skills as a triple threat, but all eight of them dulled to the point that they’re nearly useless.

Definition 2: Octothreat. Noun.

Any workout that employs a series of 8 exercises, or variants, or multiples thereof, in succession.

Definition 3: Octothreat. All 8 parts of speech. (yep; there are 8. Woof).

Octothreat. That’s all you had to say.

Now, to be honest, after 2 days in a row of the Octothreat (Tuesday at FWD & Wed at Blender in Louisville) I wasn’t sure the earth could handle another shifting of the tectonic plates but YHC felt compelled to test the fate of the world.  Maybe it has something to do with today’s date, 2/8.  So here we go…

This morning at BO started like many others, with the running of the now infamous #MeowMile which departed from FUMC at 5:30.  It was a 3 man op with Hermes, Term Paper, and YHC.  2 PAX, which I won’t name…actually I will, Chinese Downhill and Wonderbread, opted out of the #MeowMile in favor of the heat that was generating from within their method of transportation. Now back to the story…

With the 3 man #MeowMile now complete, the morning greetings and mumble chatter start to percolate among the PAX as we all anticipate the start of what YHC promised to be a Vanilla flavored morning.  BTW, props to Tubeless for the audible this morning and opting for the Vanilla.  Although, I heard something about a “Disco Burpee Eleven”?  Sounds interesting, I’ll wait for the BB.  Now back to the story…

The disclaimer is given and we mosey to our usual BO warm-up spot for some usual warm-ups: Good Mornings, SSH, Hillbillies, Arm Circle Thingies, Merkins and Plank Jacks.  Everybody warm?  Good, now follow me!


Now I know I promised Vanilla and trust me, we’ll get to that but YHC couldn’t ignore that round 1 of the GREATEST RIVALRY IN SPORTS happens tonight as the Tarheels host the Dookies, tip-off at 8pm eastern on ESPN.  I also couldn’t ignore the power of the Octothreat as it drew near.  So here’s the…oh, what’s that Hermes?  You say you’re not doing any light poles?  YES, YOU ARE!  So here’s the plan:

  • We’ll work our way down Academy street much like the drive Duke will make down Tobacco Road to visit the Heels.  BTW, it’s a 9.8-mile drive, notice the 8#OCTOTHREAT 
  • We’ll stop at each streetlight and do 1 of 2 exercises, alternating between Carolina Dry Docks and Bobby Hurleys. 8 at each light until we get to the end.  #OCTOTHREAT 


Follow me to the courtyard adjacent to the fountain.  Before we get into Thang 2, line-up in the plank position and we’ll do a 10 count down the line.  YHC was weary of an 8 count as a greater Octothreat was on the horizon.

Now, the Carolina/Duke game isn’t the only major sporting event happening.  The 2018 Winter Olympic games officially started yesterday (2/7) although the opening ceremonies aren’t until tomorrow (2/9).  I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation.  Anyway, back to the story…

I honor of the Winter Olympics and one of the most watched events, Ice Skating, we will do 3 rounds of Figure 8’s around the courtyard.  Partner up!

  • Round 1: Partner 1 will run from cone to cone in the direction of figure 8.  At each cone, partner 1 will drop and do 8 Merkins (Vanilla).  Partner 2 will be doing Squats (Vanilla) until partner 1 finishes.
  • Round 2: Partner 1 will continue to do 8 Merkins at each cone (Vanilla) while Partner 2 does LBCs (Vanilla).
  • Round 3 (Gold Medal Round): Partner 1 will once again do 8 Merkins at each cone (Vanilla) while Partner 2 does Burpees (Vanilla).

You guys tired yet?  Good, let’s go!


We’ll work our way back to the “flag” which I put in quotes because it wasn’t until we got back to the “flag” that YHC realized something was missing! Hmmm…gotta talk with the site Qs about that.  Anyway, back to the story…

We’ll work our way back to the flag with “Catch Me If You Can”.  Partner 1 will head down Walnut Street toward the parking lot on the corner of Walnut and Walker. Partner 2 partner will do 8 Bobby Hurleys. Catch up with your partner and flapjack.  There’s a really nice wall next to the parking lot so let’s stop here and line-up.  Hey, where’s Wonderbread going?  Guess he has more important things to do.  Anyway, back to the story…

We’ll start with the People’s Chair for an 8 count down the line.  Next, we’ll do BTTW.  Of course, since Hermes is here, he has to show off and do 1 arm BTTW with a slow count.  Ok, we get it, you’re strong like a Greek god, now hurry up and count to 8! We’ll finish our journey back to the “flag” with a continuation of CMIYC but this time Partner 2 will do an 8 count of Carolina Dry Docks.

Ok, done with that so let’s circle up on our six for an All Request Mary around the circle.  Each PAX will lead an 8 count of their favorite Mary.  The typical requests were made, LBCs, Merkins, Homer to Marge, Box Cutters, etc.  Although I must point out there were 2 requests for Boat-Canoe.  REALLY?!? I thought Riptide was fartsacking this morning?  Anyway, back to the story…actually the story is over.  WE’RE DONE! The world is still turning, the seas have not risen and the shifting of the tectonic plates seems to have stopped.  Does that mean we have now harnessed the power of the Octothreat?  Are we now ready to use its power for the greater good?  Time will tell.


Count-a-rama: 13

Name-a-rama:  5 RESPECTS, 7 mehs, 1 HATEs


  • The Maynard will, in fact, happen again next Wednesday (2/14)
  • No Rush Hour next Tuesday.  Instead, there will be a convergence at Healing Transitions for the Oak City Recovery Run Club Block Party.  Various running options, food trucks, music, fellowship, bring the family.  This is a fundraiser, find out more here
  • Raleigh Mule is Saturday, March 10th, don’t forget to sign-up.


  • Praise for Tubeless surviving a recent visit from the in-laws.  All went well, nobody’s feelings got hurt.
  • No prayers to speak of but as always, continued prayers for our F3 brothers, their families and the unspoken prayers around the world.

BOM: YHC took us out.


Woke up this morning and feeling quite sore after the last 2 days.  I was a bit worried that I may be leading from behind but ALAS, YHC was able to tighten up and lead from the front…sometimes the middle.

It was a little brisk this morning, a good reason not to go sleeveless.  Not a single PAX in a tank top this morning.  Good call!

The #MeowMile just isn’t the same without its namesake.  We miss you, Kitty!

Don’t forget the Carolina-DOOK game tonight.  #GoHeels

After about the 4th light pole and 2nd round of Bobby Hurleys, YHC was feeling the burn.  I don’t think I was alone.  #OCTOTHREAT

I hope one day I’ll have calves like Hermes…did I say that out loud?

Appreciate the mumble chatter this morning.  Despite Burt being at home in Raleigh, we had some quality MC this morning.  Proud of you, fellas!

Lots of praise from the PAX regarding the quality of the beatdown.  I hope you mean it.

Ma Bell missed out on a quality Merkin day.  By my count, we did 162.  Nice work, boys! #OCTOTHREAT

It has now been my honor to lead you for the 3rd time (my 2nd as a solo Q).  As I posted on our 3rd F channel in Slack, not only has F3 helped me become stronger physically but more importantly mentally and spiritually.  I’m blessed, as we all are, to have discovered the brotherhood of F3.  Thank you for letting me lead you this morning.

See also