The Number 34

Sunday was YHC’s 34th Birthday so to celebrate I took the helm for the first time here at FWD!

For the second time Qing in Carpex an FNG showed up. Are my workouts too easy?
Welcome FNG “The Decision”.

**Warm Up
**Mosey around the pickle over by the playground and circle up for the following:

Arm Stretches
Standard Merkins OMD x34

**Thang One
**Mosey halfway to bridge pausing for pickle pounders

At the bridge, squat hold for the 6, then partner up and mosey to the center of the bridge.
Bear crawl to opposite ends and then Crawl bear back
People’s Chair to wait for the 6

Partner one does pullups, partner 2 does Crab cakes OYO 10 each side
Flapjack, repeato, repeato

**Thang Two
**Mosey to the other end of the bridge and down the windy path to the bottom.

Form 2 lines for catch me if you can Indian Runs with the last person doing 2 Turkish Getups.
We did this all the way back to the rock pile.

**Thang Three
**At the rock pile, everyone grabbed a rock and circled up for some sharing is caring.
We rotated around to different rocks each time for 34 reps each of:
Curls for the girls
Tricep Extensions
Overhead press

Return the rocks and partner up again for wheelbarrows towards the front entrance switching every 5 brown posts.
Finally, lunge walk back to the flag for Mary.

American Hammers
Freddie Mercury ICx34
Box Cutters


New AO launching in Apex on 6/27 but we East Cary folks probably won’t ever go over there.

Chipper took us out.

Apparently the Windmills cadence was a bit too fast for the PAX or so said the mumble chatter.

It’s much easier to select your rock in a circle, for a little sharing is caring, when you are the Q.

There was a bit of encouragement from the traffic below on the bridge during the pullups.

See you at Rush Hour if you’re feeling frisky and want to double down!

See also