The Morning After

If YHC has one skill when it comes to Qing. One that is greater than all the rest. It has got to be the ability to sign up to Q the morning after late night events.

Thursday night football…a major holiday…Christmas Party…you name it, I’m probably Qing it.

So of course YHC has the Q on Friday at Slippery When Wet when just hours ago he was stuffing his face with pasta, slingin a few back, and toasting to the new year. With no plan on the drive in YHC started pulling some pieces together while en route. Deck of Cards is about all I could come up with over the 12 min span…#ProTip: leave a deck of cards in your car. It’s an easy out as a Q and doesn’t take up a lot of space..

Let’s see what I remember…

  • A botched disclaimer, unmotivated Q (and some pax), and we’re off! Running to the Odyssey warmup parking lot.
  • We picked up the six and did our warm up
  • We ran around the corner of the lot and spread out down the parking lot
  • YHC explained the rules, “I call an exercise, pull a card, we do that many reps, run across the lot, do 1 less rep, run back do one less rep, etc.
  • Example: CDDs, 5 of hearts = 5 CDDs, sprint, 4 CDDs, sprint, 3 CDDs, sprint, 2, 1…you get it.
  • We did these and probably some more I can’t remember:
    • CDDs
    • Knee Tucks
    • Sprints
    • Death Squats
    • Merkins
    • WWIIs
    • Bear Crawls
    • Star Jumps
    • maybe a couple more…my mind was barely functioning so my memory will not hold up.
  • Then we ran out of there to Kildaire, held for the 6.
  • Next pax ran down to the stop light and ran back to the 6. Upon their return they did 25 merkins then followed the 6.
  • At the light we repeated to the park entrance. Upon returning to the 6 we did 25 squats
  • After a few mary exercises time was up.

See you the day after Christmas probably……………

See also