The Mile of Pain

YHC just Q’d Wolverine a couple weeks ago and wouldn’t normally pick it up again so quickly, but another PAX needed a favor, and I’m always one to help!  It’s getting close to BRR time, and hills are always welcome, right?  (RIGHT?!)  A plan began to formulate…..

15 Pax met in the gloomiest of Carpex AO’s for a relatively cool, yet predictably humid morning.  Perhaps that MONSTER thunderstorm that rolled through at 12:30am had something to do with it…..

One FNG this morning, so after  thorough and cheery briefing, we were off to a mosey to the daycare joint down Davis Dr.  One of the site Q’s reminded YHC that the Pledge prior to launch is customary….Whoops!    I knew that.  Bad Q!  No worries, we’ll address it on the return!

Wait, who’s honking at us and pulling into the parking lot like a maniac?  Ah yes, a pair of F3’s finest…Franklin and Nature Boy!  The crew is not complete!

Warm Up:

  • 20 SSH
  • 10 Good Morning’s (Can’t have a good day…..)
  • 10 Windmills
  • 20 Imperial Walkers
  • 10 Penalty Burpees
    • Plus 3 more for assured dual responsibility

Enough of that, we’ve got stuff to do!

Thang #1:

  • Partner up!
  • Catch Me If You Can heading North on Davis to the bottom of the hill after Waldo
    • 2 Wolverines when caught
  • OYO AMRAP Merkins at the bottom waiting for the 6
  • 10 OYO Merkins WITH the 6
    • At this point, we’re about a mile from the flag
  • Cross the street only to discover……….

Thang #2:

Whoa!  Who left all these PAIN STICKS in the grass over here?!?!?!  (I must say…reactions from the pax were the highlight of the morning!)

On your 6 for some quick Mary

  • 30 LBCs
  • 20 WWII’s
  • 30 1-Arm Plank Star Crunches
    • 15 each side
  • Between you and you buddy, choose a pain stick for some pain stick Catch Me If You Can….and then something magical happened:
    • One Pax HIM’d up and asked to take one by HIMself….and then so did all the others!
      • Turns out, 15 Pain Sticks were there, and so were 15 Pax.  Perfectly balanced, just as Thanos intended!
      • As we all have a pain stick, a small, yet welcome audible is in order!
  • Run to every second lightpole with the pain stick ~1 mile back to the flag, uphill the first half of the way
    • 1st stop:  10 Overhead Presses
    • 2nd stop: 10 Curls
    • 3rd stop: 10 Squats
    • 4th stop: Drop the sticks and do 10 Merkins, pick up a different stick
    • 5th Stop 10 OH Presses
    • 6th stop: 10 Curls, then 10 Rows (allowing the 6 to join)
    • 7th stop: 20 Dips, then swap sticks again
    • At this point (maybe 2/3rds of the way back), another audible was due as time was running out
      • Thoroughbreds: Run to every other light continuing OH Presses, Curls, Squats rotation
      • Clydesdales: Head straight back to the flag with the pain sticks

All pax made it back to the flag right…on…time!!!  Nice work, guys!

Circle up and……Pledge of Allegience

During Count-A-Rama, Mr 10 said “One Zero,” and Mr 11 said “One One,” etc.  Mr FNG fell immediately inline, with “One-Four,” and confused YHC such that I forgot my own number…  He’s going to fit in with this crowd JUST fine!

Welcome FNG “One-Four”


  • 9/11 Stair Climb
  • F3 Dads
  • Two others I can’t remember as I type this

Prayer Requests:

  • McCants’ continued recover at Home
  • Parker’s Mom

YHC took an opportunity to share with the Pax my experiences over the weekend helping my brother prepare his place for his son’s 5th birthday party.  This was not my intent when I traveled down.  I was expecting relaxation and several beverages.  My brother was badly injured in a car accident about 18 months again, and his leg is healing very slowly.  It was completely severed below the knee in the accident, and was surgically reattached, though only one of three arteries could salvaged.  Fact is, he almost bled out and is very lucky to be alive.  While I know he is impaired, he does get around fairly well.  However, it had not occurred to me the activities I take for granted that he is unable to do, yet his pride prevents him from acknowledging them, and from asking for help.  An immense amount of manual work was required, and it was my sheer pleasure to do it.  My brother has always been physically fit and able, and somewhat a bodybuilder.

That rather lengthy story served as a reminder to me this weekend that we truly enjoy our ability and our health.  And we can lose those at any moment.  Treasure them.  Be thankful we are able to get out in the mornings, and don’t take it for granted.  Give back where/when you can, even when people aren’t asking for it.  Or maybe especially when they’re not asking for it.

See also