The Mag Mile

A beautifully clear day at Wolverine.  5:30 in the morning - 50 degrees. Moon is clear and stars are out.  Had an aggressive plan for this morning, but 31 PAX showed up for a beatdown, so I had to adjust.  I had planned for a Track & Field event, but ended up with only the track - well, I have my next Q tee’d up.  We ran The Magnificent Mile - Nicknamed “The Mag Mile”.

After the pledge and a moment for silence for those affected with the Pittsburgh shootings, we headed out on a casual run to DDMS.

Warmup Welcome to Wolverine - 5x Wolverine OYO 10x Good morning 10x Windmill 10x Sir Fazio Arm Circles - forward and back 10x Mountain Climbers 10x Merkins

Track “The Mag Mile” After warmups and some mumble-chatter, we moseyed over to the track for the “Mag Mile”…well, 3/4 Mag Mile…

1. Start at the middle of the straight side of the track (start/finish line)  - 5x Burpies 2. Run to first turn then - 25x Merkins 3. Bear Crawl through the turn then - 25x Mountain Climbers 4. Backward run the straight side then - 25x Prisoner Squats 5. Lunge walk through the turn then - 25x Box Cutters 6. Run to start/stop line then - 5x Burpies 7. Repeato 3x

Mary Time went by quick so we ran back to the flag.  For the fast paced - some plank holds, left arm up, normal, right arm up, normal, 6" hold, normal, recover.  We then went into a  Superman hold while 20+ PAX gave a 5 count.  Once all PAX returned from the run, next exercise - Have a Nice Day!

Excellent workout men!  

31 PAX     Respect - 6     HIM - 22     Hate - 2     FNG - 1 - Welcome Velveeta

Announcements - Nov 17 - FIA/F3 Triple Down - F3 dads after Starting today - Q Source group starting.  6:30a Beaver Creek Panera Bread

Prayer requests/praises - Familes affected in Pittsburg Calahan’s daughter

See also