Kryponite  was my 1st Carpex Post so why not go back to where it all started for my VQ to see how much I have improved from that cold January beat down.  The adrenaline/nerves were high as we started 30 seconds early with a mosey to the large parking lot by the Koka booth entrance.  I had one thing in mind for the 14 PAX who joined me on this adventure and that was high tempo.   3.5 miles later I think we achieved my goal.

Warm up

  • Good morning  X 20 - no recovery
  • LBJ’s  X  20 - Really meant to call LBC’s  but as I said the nerves were high
  • Side Straddle Hop’s  X 20  voice inflection was off and no recovery
  • American Hammers X 20  - maybe got the cadence correct, voice inflections was off and I  don’t think I called recovery.

Thang 1

Partner up for catch me if you can to the very end of the parking lot (where they do Camp Gladiator) with 5 Carolina Dry Docks.  We also did a few Burpees OYO just to keep us moving.

Thang 2

Mosey over to the Regency parking lot to Circle up again before we do 7’s on the Hill.

  • 10 LBC’s or i may have called LBJ’s I don"t remember - no recovery and cadence was off
  • 10 Merkins - may be got the inflection right but no recovery.
  • 10 Monkey Humpers

Thang 3

We did 7’s on the hill with Merkins on the bottom and Monkey Humpers on the top while each time we completed the pickle.

Thang 4

We mosey back to the very end of the parking lot where we finished a catch me if you can to do catch me if you can with 5 Burpees back to the entrance of Koka Booth

Thang 5

Circle up for some quick Monkey Humpers and something else before we moseyed back to the Flag


5 more Burpees and Have a Nice Day.


Count-a-rama - 15

Name-a-rama - Oofta,Squatter,Chanticleer, Bayonne, Denali, Wonderbread, Shut-In, Staubach, JigglyPuff, Joe Smith, Texas Ranger, Hermes, Largemouth, Old Maid.

Announcements - VQ week continues this week , F3 family Picnic at Ritter Park on Sunday 10/14 , The Odyssey on 10/20, and Back in Black starts 10/18 at Koka Booth Amphitheater 0515 - 0600

Prayers/Praises.  Prayers for Denali’s mother in law who is having surgery and his nephew who is struggling with seizures.  Praise’s for Old Maids 2.0 on achieving  Personal Best in running and for my wife who completed a triathlon 5 years after having heart surgery.

Thank you all for being there today.    i really do appreciate all of the support.

See also