The Lake is Beautiful this Time of Year (har, har!)

“The lake at Phoenix is beautiful this time of year,” I thought with a sadistic little smirk on my face. Here is how we got there….

YHC didn’t know what to expect at Phoenix this morning with the Mule going on in Raleigh. Hello Kitty planned a 6 mile meander through Cary, as well. But, the parking lot was packed with PAX and one FNG. So, after the initial disclaimer, we were off, running down to the stop sign and then “whoa, curveball” Hi-Liter heads to the right, the traditional Texas Ranger path, but YHC heads left, just keeping everyone guessing. We circle up in the next parking lot up the road.

Warm-up: 20 SSH IC; good mornings; 10 merkins, 20 plank jacks IC, 10 merkins, 20 mountain climbers IC, 10 merkins; sir fozio arm circles.

Thang 1: A bunch of balls to the wall.  After warm-up, we ran to the nearest building and put up the balls to the wall for a 10 count down the line, however, maybe it’s the Southern tongue, but wow, some PAX count sloooowwwwww. By the time the count reached YHC, there were PAX falling over. I decided to call it right then and there: “recover!” I said. But, as soon as I said it, Hermes called me out, with a look like my children give me when I have just let them down and disappointed them, dashing their expectations. So, I decided that somehow, for Hermes, we had to find a way to do more balls to the wall.

Thang 2: We moseyed around the corner of the building and grabbed a rock at the rock pile, then found another wall close by, for, you guessed it, more balls to the wall, and alternated with curls, rock rows, and overhead presses with the rocks. With sufficient balls to the wall then complete, we moseyed all the way to the Kiosk at Bond Park.

Thang 3: We stopped at the Kiosk to pick up the “six” and then turned toward the small outdoor amphitheater. Then, with YHC leading the charge, I totally biffed the pavement by tripping on a parking curb that I didn’t see. Fortunately, none of the other PAX followed my example. I got up, ignored the bloody knee and carried on. At the amphitheater, half the PAX kept to the stage doing jump squats and monkey humpers, while the other half bear crawled, lunge walked, and crawl-beared.

Thang 4: We then moseyed over to the beautiful lake. Ah, the lake is beautiful this time of year, so we took some time to enjoy the view and tranquility with a modified Jack Webb of burpees and WWII sit-ups, at a 1-2 ratio, going up to 10 burpees and 20 WWII’s the last round. Yes, I thought a lot of Mr. “I love burpees” (Disco Duck) during this time since he couldn’t be there today. The PAX seemed to really “love” this time of scenic reflection doing burpees by the lake. After the Jack Webb, we moseyed back over to the Kiosk.

Thang 5: There was still enough time for a set of 7’s, up and down the hill by the Kiosk, with dips IC at the bottom and LBC’s up top. After that, we moseyed, and … whoa, look what the cat dragged in … Hello Kitty and his compatriots were back already before COT after crushing a 6 mile run. Nice to see them, as we stopped at the traditional stop sign for the traditional Billy run back to the Flag.

At the Flag, we finished it with some box cutters, hand release merkins, low slow flutters, and then 10 burpees OYO to top it off.

COT: Announcements - Hello Kitty has some hats coming in for those who ordered; the Mule was um, today. PHOENIX turns 2 years old next week and there will be a passing of the baton to two new site Q’s, so be there!

Prayer & Praise - for Hi-Liter’s dad, and Gala’s wife with surgery on her eye coming up; praise for Hello Kitty’s dad’s b-day (63 yrs) and WKRP’s daughter’s b-day (2 yrs).

Welcome FNG “Bayonne”! named after Bayonne, New Jersey, and a naval connection (FNG was almost named “seaman” but glad that didn’t stick). Another FNG, named “Rob,” we picked up along the trail about 5/6th of the way into the work-out. We invited him back but didn’t name him because after all, he was only with us for about 10 minutes. Counting “Rob” there were 19 PAX.

YHC was honored to have led such a fine group of PAX. Thanks for the privilege!

See also