The Island Hopping Switchahoo

Wahoo got a little over zealous training for the BRR and hurt his foot. He asked that I swap Q’s for Point Break with him (3/4 for 3/11). Since it was about time to shave my winter beard, I decided there was no need to update the Q sheet. I borrowed Wahoo’s shirt with “Wahoo’s Fish Tacos” on it and showed up. I really liked a rock suicide workout that Term Paper did a few weeks ago. I thought that workout would be even better with some kettlebells.

Started with the pledge and then mosey over to parking lot near Whole Foods.

Warm Up

  • Daisy Pickers
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Seal Claps
  • Sir Fazio Forward
  • Sir Fazio Reverse
  • Plank Hold
  • Right Leg Runner’s Stretch
  • Left Leg Runner’s Stretch

Thang 1 - Catch Me If You Can

Mosey over to medical building parking garage. Partnered up. Five laps of Catch Me if You Can with 10 Merkins each time you were caught.

Thang 2 - Island Hopping

Mosey to my van which had a good 25 bells in the back. One bell per partner pair. For each of the seven islands in the parking lot, I had a sign which had a different bell exercise. Partner 1 bare crawled the next island and ran back. Partner 2 AMRAPed whatever exercise was on the current island. Once both partners finished the exercise on the island, they ran to the next island. We did two rounds. Bear crawls between islands on the way out and lung walk on the way back.

  • 1st Island – Overhead Press
  • 2nd Island – Squat to High Pull
  • 3rd Island – Two Hand Curls
  • 4th Island – World War 2 w/ Bell
  • 5th Island – Tricep Extensions
  • 6th Island – Goblet Squats
  • 7th Island – Two Arm Rows

Mosey back to the flag for Mary


  • LBCs
  • Homer to Marge (called by Silver Fox)
  • Low Slow Flutters w/ 10 count 6 inch hold at the end (nice touch Shipyard)


16 PAX (1 respect)
During Name-O-Rama I revealed my identity, but Hermes and Shut-In had already figured out Wahoo and I had swapped.

  • Escalator at 6:30am at the Waverly Chick-fil-a
  • Raleigh CSAUP - 6:15am - March 14 - Fletcher Park
  • Construction work in Burgaw - 6:30am - March 21 - Healing Transitions
Prayers and Praises

Read Ephesians 1:15 - 18

  • Healing for Cataract’s shoulder
  • Yahoo’s friend Andy cancer treatment is not going well. Prayers for family.
  • Yahoo’s adoption of Oleg from Ukraine is moving along. Need continued prayer for trust in God’s timing.
  • Prayers for those affected by the Nashville tornadoes

YHC took us out

See also