The Indy 500


YHC was thinking about what to do when a post on some social media site or another fell into my lap talking about the Indy 500, something someone from Indianapolis had brought to the PAX to Minneapolis. Well, well, well. Not above shameless mimicry, I had me the makings of a Q

The morning started with a pre-blasted EC run as well as the do-not-call-it-Vesper run at 0510. The czar of calf sleeves hisownself, Beaker, joined YHC for the standard end-end EC run while 4 elites took off for the West Cary hinterlands, not to be seen again until COT all sweaty and bloody nippled. Despite the thunder storm a few hours before and a forecast of rain, there was nary a drop to be found. Still the air was 1000% saturated with moisure. And it was ridiculously warm for January 14th.


Plank of alle…what, no shovel flag? Site Q fail. Not to worry, Prodigal had indicated he was bringing the BO flag. We’ll plant that one. But wait, Prodigal fartsacked. Prodigal fail. This shit didn’t happen when I was Nan’tan. Just saying.

Up the hill to the upper parking lot on the left and circle up for:

  • 5 x slow GMs IC
  • 5 x Knee Tuck Jumps OYO
  • 10 x Ranger Merkins OMD
  • 5 x Real Sumo Squats IC
  • 10 x Pamela Andersons IC
  • 10 x Curb Dips IC

The Thang

Gather into groups of 3 or 4 for a catch-me-if-you-can with 2 merkins each time to the mailbox at the other end of the park. Plank-o-rama until the six arrived. This is where the fortunate fall-in-my-lap idea manifested itself. The Indy 500 explained:

25 reps of the following aforementioned and demonstrated exercises: Ranger Merkins, Knee Tuck Jumps, Real Sumo Squats, Pamela Andersons, and Curb Dips, then circumnavigate the perimeter of the USA Baseball parking lot, which is approximately 1/4 mile, maybe more. Repeato x 3. If completed, PAX completed 5 x 25 x 4 = 500 exercises and run at least a mile. Still no rain, but sweat poured off the PAX like rain.

Line up in two lines of 7 for an Indian Run back to the flag. There the don’t-call-it-the-Vesper runners awaited. Circle up for a quick round of Box Cutters, Flutter Kicks, Hello Dollys, and Dying Cockroaches until time ran out


  • Count-a-rama: 18 (14 boot campers, 4 runners of the elite variety)
  • Nam-a-rama: 6 RESPECTS, 12 mehs
  • Announcements, Prayer Requests, and Praise Reports were dispensed of pretty quickly, as it started to rain
  • BOM: YHC took us out

Thanks, fellas, for allowing me to lead. It was my pleasure to be among you, as it always is. You may not have enjoyed the workout, but you’ll thank me later.

See also