The Hills have Ayes

19 HIMs took on the challenge at the versatility that is A Team.

We started with the Pledge, then the disclaimer for our lone FNG, and circled up for a bit of:

  • SSH
  • Good mornings
  • Hill Billies
  • Cotton Pickers
  • Sir Fazio
  • 10 burpees because BURPEES!!!

Thang 1

Mosey from the parking lot, stop by the picnic area for some quick Dips and L/R step ups x 15.  Continue mosey to bottom of Hill 1.  There we complete 7s:

  • Monkey Humpers at the bottom
  • Jumping Spiders (Plyo Merkins) at the top

Thang 2

Mosey from the top of Hill 1, to the top of Hill 2 (entryway to the park).  Now, the math gets harder.  11s commence:

  • Supermans at the top (thanks Theisman!)
  • Shoulder tap Merkins at the bottom

We have 5 minutes left…2 minutes after PAX make their way back to the parking area where we started, grab a non-traveling rock.  Enough time to complete rock curls x 20.


Have a Nice Day


3 Respects, 1 Hate, 1 FNG, 14 Mehs

Announcements: Memorial Day Convergence at FOD

Prayer requests: Hotspots mom (and dad), Theisman’s niece with cancer, Red Ryder’s mom, Hi-Liter and his family, as well as Disco Duck’s M.  Praise that Shutty’s knee is improving.

Welcome FNG Claven.  A treasure trove of information began flowing from Claven when we got to the naming part.  Hence the moniker he was tagged with.


  • I made a mistake this morning assuming Cheddar Bo would not have the gates open.  There were open indeed, so we gained the benefit of some dips and L/R step ups.  This was probably why I ran out of time.
  • Strong mumble chatter today.  It lessened after we did warm up burpees, then picked up steam on the hills.
  • I think some PAX lost count on the 11s.  No names.
  • Nature Boy has strong tights game.  Just be ready.
  • Claps were optional on the Jumping Spiders, Monkey Humpers were of the standard variety.
  • It was really great to see some PAX I don’t get to work out with very often.  STRONG group that I was humbled to lead.  I love seeing the fellowship that occurs during a workout.  We always pick up the six, and make sure the FNGs are well taken care of.

See also