The Hill is alive with the sound of Merkins (and pull-ups)

So a few take-aways from my VQ at Tortoises.

  1. Be prepared to be alone when you offer a EC 3 mile run when both @Earhart and @DiscoDuck are not there.
  2. Remembering the proper commands is harder than it looks. Sorry fellas, next time I will remember the “Recover” command.
  3. Carrying a cheat sheet with you sounds like a good idea, until you try to read it in the dark while in the process of doing an exercise.
  4. Writing this BackBlast is more nerve racking than the actual workout.

And off we go. I left something over here…

Warm Up

Windmills, Imperial Walker, Steve Earl, Arm Circles, SSH

Thang 1

Took advantage of the stairs and banister in front of Montessori School. Ran the stairs, completed 2 inverted rows (I was instructed they are called Australian Pushups) on the banisters, then down the stairs on the opposite side and lung walk back to the start. Repeated 4 more times adding 2 more rows each time.

Thang 2

Moseyed on over to the bottom of the hill behind the church. Did 10 rounds of Merkin, Bear Crawl up the hill, Run down the hill, Merkin, Run to pull up bars, Pull up, Run back to start (adding a pull up each round for a total of 55 pull ups.)

Thang 3

Back up to the parking lot. Everyone found a part of the curb for some super fast up and downs on the curb. 30 seconds each leg, then over to the picnic tables for some Dips. Repeato 2x, then followed by some Inclined Merkins (slow and with purpose.)


Knee-Ups, Low Slow Flutter, American Hammer, Rosalie Wip, Hundreds


Memorial Day Convergence (Theisman); South Wake CSAUP & Healing Transitions Anniversary (Yogi)

Prayers for Aristocrat’s family, Pickles friend, and WWW traveling. Praise for Crimson’s daughter.

YHC Took us out. It was an honor and privilege. They say you always remember your first…but you can’t wait to do it again (Kryptonite on 4/23. At least I’ll have people to run with.)


See also