The Hill is Alive

Perfect morning at FWD!  Site I don’t get to a whole lot – great to get together with some fine high-impact men.

14 HIMs gathered – No FNGs, only familiar faces.  F3 intro given & we started with the pledge.  Moseyed around the parking lot & painted some lines.  With all that running out of the way, we rolled into:

The Warm Up

Circle up for SSH, good mornings, windmills, imperial walkers, hill billies, calf stretch merkins, etc.  Mosey up the greenway for:

Thang 1 –

Modified 7’s on the hill up to the bridge – descending Burpees at the bottom with 5 pull-ups on the bridge each round.  Good work done here….

Mosey back toward the flag with a stop half way for the much-requested side plank star crunches – good times!  Regroup there for:

Thang 2 –

Everyone picks their favorite concrete ball – copperhead irkins, left-right steps ups, dips, and derkins were done – mosey over to the basketball court for suicides alternating with some more moseying.

Stayed at the basketball court for some Mary – Dying Cockroaches, Homer-to-Marge, Little Baby Crunches, Supermans, & H-A-N-D. 


  • Count-o-rama – 14 strong

  • Name-o-rama -  3 respect, couple of hates, & some mehs

  • Announcements

    • Tomorrow night, May 1st – F3 beer launch at Pharmacy DTC 5pm, M’s welcome
    • Pop-up F3 Dad’s tomorrow, May 1st – see Slack
    • Hand of Hope is having a 5k Fundraiser this Saturday at Wake Christian Academy. Still time to sign up – see post in Slack-Mumblechatter from Texas Ranger
    • Sunday, May 19th – Burt needs volunteers to help for the Haven House Battle of the Bags fundraiser – see Slack
    • F3 Dad’s camp sign up is live
    • May 31 Carpex Anniversary – looking for 100 total posting pax across the region
  • Praises & Prayers

    • Safe travel for Roger & group trip to Africa

    • Prayers for Roger’s 2.0, Jonah (4 years old) – having surgery tomorrow

    • Prayers for Greenbow’s Uncle Bruce who has passed away

    • Prayer for Kermit’s friend who is lost in life & needs to be found

    • Unsaid prays on everyone’s minds

Wrapped with CoT –  I’m honored to be part of it – thank you!

See also