The "have a nice day" was the best part


DATE: AUGUST 17 2020



First time to this AO, had a Q idea for a bit, and saw this spot was open, and decided to grab it. Called an early EC, time to scope out the AO for more opportunities. The Commish found me at the wrong parking lot, so as I moved over all I could see were the stars and moon in the night sky. Short EC as I wasn’t paying attention because of the beautiful morning we had.

At 0530 we had five studs at the flag, 5 long time F3 brothers, so quick disclaimer and mission statement, pledge. We moseyed the pickle a time or two and started with some warmups.

10x good morning (hold the last one on 3 for that feel good feeling)

Sir Fazzio arm circles front and back, 10x each

Calf stretch each leg 10 count

5 Merkins, because.

Thang 1:

I’ve had this Winkie written for a while and tried one round and found it to be horrible, so perfect. We should do at least 7 rounds.

5x merkins, 5x frog squats, 5x tuck jumps, run to the other side of the pickle, 5x navy seal Burpees, 5x lunge jumps, 5x Bob n weave merkins. That’s 1.

On round 4, we started to lose the parking lot to CG, FIA, F45 or whatever was going on. So we modified.

Run the Greenway, climbed the stairs and back down (the extent of BRR training for those who are going). Run the Greenway stopping for squats, WW2s, Mountain Climbers, monkey humpers. 1 burpee, because.

Mary included Freddie Mercs, box cutters, shoulder tap holds, and for the ladies in the big group, hello dollies to Homer to marge.


Back to school! Everyone is a teacher now.

Chewie has back surgery today.

YHC took us out.


Inaugural post and Q here, beautiful site. Lots of options.

Glad I could be in the presence of HIMS today, needed that.

The good mornings and have a nice day really was the best part. Everything else was pretty bad, in the best way possible.

MIAGD gentlemen!