The Great Triumphant Return of Napster, and other February Birthday (not mine) Shenanigans

Does anyone really know how many PAX post at the original weekly convergence known as Shaken Not Stirred? Or is it Vesper? Or is it Insomnia? All YHC knows is you pull into that parking lot off of Maury O’Dell drive, and there are likely to be cars and PAX scattered about. With the rapid growth of Carpex, there was some concern that opening new Wednesday sites could detract from the nostalgic allure of SNS. I am here to assure you, those concerns are unfounded. There had to be at least 120 dudes there at 0545.

Today is my M’s birthday. If you were there at SNS this wasn’t revealed until COT. She’s my rock and definitely my Most Important Relationship. I could go on but I won’t bore you. Just lift your M up, make her feel special but especially, truly appreciate all the great things she brings to your life.

Speaking of birthdays, can you believe how many people feel the need to share their opinions on 1, the Super Bowl Halftime Show, and 2, politics? C’mon people - be happier. Have a beer, do some merkins, but don’t @ me. Have some cake and a smile.

First exercise, Pledge of Allegiance.

Warm Up

SSHs, Sir Fazio forward/back, Overhead claps, Steve Earles, and Nature Boy leads us in Good Mornings.

The Thang

Conversational mosey to the dam. Pick a non-traveling rock.

  • Complete 10 Manmakers, 20 Curls, 30 Squats
  • Charge the hill, at the top complete 5 World’s Worst Merkins
  • Mosey around to the steps and back to your rock
  • Complete this 5 times

Mosey back to the flag. Partway there we stop to complete American Hammers, J-Lo’s and Shakiras.


49 LBCs


A couple Hates, a whole pile of Respects, and a bigger pile of Mehs. F3 Whetstone program re-launch in Carpex, the Q is Red Ryder. Quite a few prayer requests, and praises for the return for one day of Napster. YHC took us out.


  • I thought we were in for a mumblechatter-fest for the ages when Liverpool, Bret and Kitty Bonz were all around at 0545. Alas they all made better decisions than to do the Main Event.
  • Napster is a real HIM. Moved to Denver about 18 months ago and has F3 up and running in the area. Twas great to see HIM.
  • Apparently One Direction did a lot of rock work at FOD yesterday - good thing I decided to do rock work.
  • With rain on the way, YHC went straight home to start smoking salmon for the M’s birthday. SUCCESS - just beat the rain.
  • Hips don’t lie
  • MIAGD fellas - strive to be a little better than you were yesterday!

See also