The Great Pain Stick Parking Deck Caper

YHC has had a commitment EVERY Tuesday night for the past 8 weeks. This prevented YHC from posting at Rush Hour…until this week. And the Q slot was open. So the stars aligned and I made my first trip in MONTHS to the finest AO in DTC on a Tuesday evening. A couple of us were there early, including Kevin. You see, Orphan sent us a message earlier in the day that his buddy Kevin, an FNG, would be visiting Rush Hour. Orphan, who apparently got his name because the guy who EH’d him did not show to his virgin post, is now repeating history. Kevin joined YHC, Ma Bell and Disco Duck for a few EC pull-ups. With 4 sets of pull-ups in the books, we head back to the launch point for the main event. After a near false start, Allegiance is pledged and off we go.

Warm Up

Mosey to the top of the classic parking deck (in other words, not the new one), circle up for SSHs, Moroccan Night Clubs, Steve Earles, Plank Jacks, and CFMs.

The Thang

Back to the bottom of the deck, pick your pain stick.

  • Set 1: 10 pain stick curls, run to the top of the deck, 2 burpos. Repeat this pattern with curls descending by 2 each set and burpos ascending by 2, until you get to 2 curls/10 burpos
  • Set 2: Same pattern, with pain stick squats at the bottom and WW Merkins at the top
  • 15 pain stick presses on my up
  • Return the sticks and mosey back to the flag

Post Thang Pre Mary

Pick a spot on the short wall, do 5 wall jump burpees. Then do 4. Then do 3.


PAX choice until time runs out. Kermit finishes strong with Pickle Pounders


1 respect, 1 hate, 4 mehs. Welcome FNG Cauliflower, a former college wrestler and all around good guy.

YHC took us out.


  • Contrary to popular belief, Copperhead merkins are a Mary exercise
  • Also contrary to popular belief, CF merkins are a warm up exercise
  • The old parking deck is perfectly fine. It served it’s purpose quite well
  • Ma Bell, Disco Duck and YHC for a little 2nd F at JLB following the workout
  • Cauliflower now knows an added benefit of Rush Hour are the beers afterwards
  • MIAGD everyone! Be a little better today than you were yesterday!

See also