The GOLD Challenge

Saturday, February 17, 2018

A.O. Ambassador

Qs:  My Boy Blue and Banjo

26 Pax including 2 FNGs + 1 Coffee hour; 3 from Carpex and the rest from Raleigh:  Banjo, Ben Johnson, Burt, Croquet, Cross Stitch [coffee hour), Dr. Quinn, Drysdale, Edsel, Elliot, Half, Horse Hair, Lt Dan, My Boy Blue, My Pleasure, Namesake [FNG Daniel Chavis], Nacho Libre, No Sugar, Parquet, Peaches, Pork Chop Sammich, Post Fontaine, Quagmire, SBD, Steroid, Toe Pick [FNG Josh], Undertow, Yoda


There is so much to experience and learn when we try something new and do something different. My S.C. bro shared with me long ago “Get comfortable being uncomfortable”. That has generally been the case for YHC. Placing Q bets on basketball games tends to push YHC outside the comfort zone; YHC is 2-6-0. Serving less familiar HIM is not the same as herding a bunch of HIDA you see everyday. Sharing a Q for YHC is definitely unfamiliar territory.   Thanks to White Shoe for stepping up with the Belmont [W] vs Vanderbilt [L] basketball game.  Thanks to My Boy Blue for joining in on the fun. As for Franklin, Shame.   White Shoe just Fartsacked. YHC challenges each HIM to continue growing in F3: seek new sites to post AND Q, participate in a CSAUP, go to the Full moon @F3_Werewolf A.O. that travels the Triangle, or Q a location with excessive mumble chatter. They are all opportunities to grow. With a Franklin FARTSACK, My Boy Blue served up the first half of today’s Olympics inspired Ambassador.


Run to field for warm up: some very slooooow SSH and then on to some Olympic mountain climbers, plank jacks and good mornings.

Following birthday celebrations for M.B.B.s hero Larry the Cable Guy turning 55 [also M.J.s 55th], mosey over to the hill next to Chavis Way for 7s; uphill bobsled (bear crawl), merkins at top, downhill ski jumps L/R, burpees at bottom Mosey to the rock pit, grab an EGO rock and circle up

  • 6cc Curling, podium wave, reverse slam dunks with rocks [curl, press, extension]
  • 4 cc Bent over rows
  • 10 burpees
  • Repeat x 3



Partner up with an unknown pax for Olympic Duathalon, winner takes all the GOLD, Vanderbilt GOLD.

Stay with your partner as we mosey from the rock pile to MLK -[1]  Little Rock trail - [2] picnic shelter - up the stairs and back towards [3] parking lot - to the [4] track - [5] carousel - and finish at the missing flag. Five stops along the way. Each group will complete combined 100 ct of each first exercise. P1 counts off exercise, P2 in auxiliary exercise, flapjack. Continue until we have clear winners; 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.

  1. Jump lunge [L/R is 2ct] / calf raises
  2. Pull ups / monkey humpers
  3. Crab kickers [4cc] / reverse plank
  4. Burpees / low plank hold
  5. Merkins / superman shoulder crunch pulses

Circle up for Mary led by Edsel, Natcho Libre, SBD, and Parquet

26 pax, 2 FNGs; Toe Pick [Jacob] and Namesake [Daniel Chavis, gg…grandson of John Chavis ]


  • Feb 24 - 22 mile run from Apex finishing at Tylers Taproom in Durham
  • March 3 - F3Chatham “The Gambler” CSAUP starting in Brier Chapel
  • March 10 - The Mule starting 6:15-9:30 here at Ambassador.
  • Healing Transitions fundraising continues.


Prayers silent

Praises: Healing transitions meeting their fundraising goal.


Steroid took us out.



  • Quagmire on his team winning GOLD, “You can’t lose when @hathcockroyce and Edsel are on your team”. Strong performance? From the team with the JUDGE, jury and participants.
  • Tclaps to Lt. Dan and the EH on Toe Pick. Get to know this young man and LIFT him up!
  • Tclaps to Dr. Quinn and the EH on Namesake. I look forward to hearing more of his story.
  • Several handfuls of HIM for coffee hour at Morning Times. Though an Ambassador fartsack, Cross Stitch was there.
  • Despite the Belmont win over Vanderbilt, there was no word from White Shoe. Humility?
  • Franklin on his planned Fartsack this am. “I’ve been traveling, gotta keep the M happy.”
  • Lots of good mumble chatter. Felt like home.

See also