The Gloomiest

Excited to Lead the HIM of the Gloomiest of Gloomy AOs

Go Time 0530 Warm Up

  • Jog a lap around the Pickle with some Karaoke  
  • SSH x20IC, Merkins x20OMD, Mtn Climbers x16IC, Plank Jacks x16IC, Merkins x20OMD, Good Morningx11IC, Sir Fazio Fwd/Reverse 10/10IC

Thang One:  Street Light Rodeo

  • Mozy over to the road where the only light exists
  • Lungewalk to pole 1, broad jump to pole 2, Bearcrawl to pole 3
  • Pause at each pole for Merkins offset etc
  • Head back to parking lot via a reverse
  • Crawlbear, broadjump, lunge walk


Thang Two: Dora 1-2-3 Modified

  • 100 Partner leg Press
  • 200 Squats, Partner Runs the Pickle
  • 300 Hammers, Partner Runs the Pickle


  • We did something… it is foggy, kind of like the gloom of this AO




Prayer Requests

Highlighter’s father’s blood pressure and ongoing chemo, Cary family that lost their daughter to the flu

Naked Moleskin

Thank you all for being the influence YHC needs in his life

See also