The Gloom is Gone

I was looking forward to navigating Carpex’s gloomiest AO, but alas, we had 70° at 5:30, a light breeze, and an early sunrise that I suppose we need to get used to!


After walking the course down, some quick stretching to the tunes of Hi-Liter’s youth, and a fruitless FNG check, we disclaimed and set out down Park Village Dr. Pause at the clubhouse for:

GM // Merkins IC // IW

Mosey to the other side of the pool for:

SFAC // rSFAC // OC // MN

Mosey behind the pool for some quick 7s on the hills with Star Jumps at the top and Mountain Climbers at the bottom.

Back up the hill and out to the main road for a plank hold recovery. Line up for Indian run and continue down Park Village.


Oh look, a playground.


Willfully ignoring the residents only sign, we split into two groups:

Group 1: AMRAP partner-assisted Pull-Ups

Group 2: for a quick ode to our mothers, 25 each of


Overhead Claps

Monkey Humpers (mom would be oh-so proud)


flipflop… then flipflop and repeato with AMRAP dips… then flipflop one last time.


Find the White Oak Creek greenway and start our return journey on a mosey. Pause at the straightaway below the Davis Drive Middle School track for two full rounds of Bear Crawl Indian advancement. Continue on down the greenway, and we have a bit of time, so veer left into the nearest school lot.


BTTW on the building - run across to the curb for quick feet - back for Peoples’ Chair - back for irkins, quick feet, irkins and a recovery plank.


Mosey back to the flag via Davis Dr. Cross the street as a group, and do LBCs till there’s about a minute left… into a Have a Nice Day.




COR - 13

NOR - 4 RESPECTS, 7 mehs, 2 HATES



Coffee at Crema

Study at Starbucks

Hi-Liter needs a Q-placement (looks like Shutty scooped it up) for tomorrow’s FWD

Memorial Day Convergence in 2 weeks (I mostly said this one so that you as the reader would have something for the future out of these announcements)


Prayer Requests:

Hi-Liter and his mom, Sandy

Yoga Mat as he travels for work



This gets to be the tougher season for me - I just about ghosted out for the entirety of my first F3 summer last year, so I’m hoping to stay consistent. There’s adventure in the cold and I can always pile on more layers, but when we’re into the 70s this early… oh man. My hat was quite drippy.


I put the call out this morning for the PAX to bring their lights because of the potential darkness on the last greenway stretch. A quick sunrise time check could have helped me avoid that somewhat pointless request, but it set up a neat eureka moment for me during COT.


I’ve seen F3 work in my own life - it’s helped me get in better shape, find new friends who I now call brothers, and be a part of something bigger than myself. I’ve been a part of some stellar communities, and this is quickly climbing the ranks of having impacted me the most. This I have known, and it has stopped surprising me, and I have simply tried to grow as it’s happening. What HAS surprised me has been what I’ve learned from Q-ing. Today was the first time I didn’t have the plan laid out the night before, which in retrospect helped me ‘read the terrain’ a bit more than usual. I still needed a walkthrough ahead of time to make sure the course was going to work, but that’s where the magic happened for me. In this space, I could be free to focus on the workout, but also to focus on nothing and just be for a little while.


Thus my eureka moment by the end of our time - God cleared the gloom of the area this morning, and He does the same in our lives through what we do.


As always, thank you all for showing up. God does big things when you do.

See also