The Garnado

When: 08.22.19

QIC: 2.0 Garfield

AO: Bounty Hunters, Fitness

PAX:  Frisco, Rooney, WWW, Imp, Flip Flop, I Pity The Fool, Yoda, Mud Buddy, Ma Bell, Drysdale, Chianti, Honey Comb, Bad Company, 1-4, SBD 22, Sosa, The Joker, Smokey, Hello Kitty, Capone, Orphan, FNG Scorpion King

This is 2.0 Garfield’s second time at the Q and he is pumped up. Lots packed into this workout and no time to waste.  The 2-minute warning was called and we began at 5:28. 

After an introduction by Garfield, he handed it off to his dad Orphan for the standard disclaimers and statement of the mission. Then, it was time to pay the mad-respects with the men gathered around the flag for the national anthem sung by LeAnn Rimes. After experiencing collective chills and goosebumps from a spectacular rendition of our nation’s song, Garfield wasted no time with a quick dismissal for a mosey down the way.

Every way you turn in Apex is an incline, and today was no disappointment as we trudged further up the Peak to circle up in the gravel parking lot next to the world-renowned food truck that is “Mr. A’s Beignets.”  It was still dark outside and there was a massive, almost sonic kerfuffle occurring in the row of trees and bushes behind us. Already on edge trying to guess the impact of the Garnado itself, the men seemingly bounded outside of their own skin trying to identify the cause of the noise. Garfield, ever stoic and poised, asked the men to compose themselves because they haven’t seen anything yet.

Warm Up

Good Mornings, Garfield Arm Circles (both forward and backwards rotation), Side Straddle Hop, Scorpion Thigh Stretches 

Thang 1

Garfield had the men count off 1-6, and lined them up by group for a little mosey further up the Peak, across the neighboring parking lot, fearlessly darting across the railroad tracks, down the backside sidewalk to enter the friendly confines of the inner-sanctuary campus between the Apex Community Center and Town Hall. Several men became a little suspect of the envisioned beat down normally occurs in such friendly confines, a.k.a., the Sharknado.

Thang 2

Putting his signature twist on the GTL-inspired Sharknado activity, Garfield built a team-led relay race around the sidewalk perimeters forming two magnificent triangles that anchor the central meeting point. The 6 teams lined up in opposite corners of the triangles and began their designated workout at each station. Each respective team started with:

Team 1–Carolina Scorpion Dry Docks

Team 2–Carolina Scorpion Lunges

Team 3–Carolina Scorpion American Hammers

Team 4–Carolina Scorpion Seal Claps

Team 5–Carolina Scorpion Chill Cuts

Team 6–Carolina Scorpion Dry Docks

The relay then kicked in with Team 1 running to Team 2, Team 2 going to Team 3, and-so-on. Each team was feverishly engaged in the exercise of their respective station until the next team arrived. After completing more than 2 laps around the loop, Garfield took the men on a mosey over to the beginning of the Town Hall parking lot.

Thang 3

Ever light on his hands and feet, Garfield led the men on a Garfield Waddle (think modified bear crawl) to the middle of the parking lot for a set of 5s.  First exercise with a set of 1 was instantly a new crowd favorite, the newly minted and trademarked Carolina Scorpion Chill Cut Pickle Pounder with the second exercise set of 4 on the other end of the parking lot being the Carolina Scorpion Burpee. Upon the end of the set of 5s, Garfield took the boys back to the skate park.


Carolina Scorpion Homer to Marge, Carolina Scorpion Ground Slaps (100 count), Garfield Arm Reaches (both inhaling and exhaling arm motions), Carolina Scorpion LBCs, and closing out with the prone position Carolina Scorpion Leg Stretch Trunk Twist.


9/11 stair climb at Carter Finley Stadium; Continued support needed by BurgerFeet for the rebuilding happening each Saturday in Burgaw on the houses and buildings destroyed by the hurricane

Prayer Requests

For those experiencing surgery and going through rough patches in their lives. 

PAX Count

23 Total, 4 Respects, 2 Hates

Naked Man Moleskin

Submitted almost instantaneously after the workout, the Carpex Council of Nobles received for their blessing and sanctioning the “Carolina Scorpion Chill Cut Pickle Pounder” as the official signature move of the Carpex Nation.

Welcome FNG Scorpion King, who is the 2.0 of Bad Company.  Great work Scorpion King! Solid and impressive first-post.  Keep coming back and showing up Bad Company.