The Games We Play

With Tour de Carpex in full swing, you just never know what kind of crowd you’re going to see. So I was pleasantly surprised when the cars kept rolling in and the PAX kept rolling out, including a nice group from Raleigh. Of course this also means the mumble chatter will be on high, but nothing YHC couldn’t take care of with a little beatdown. So after I greeted our FNG (Welcome Fiddler) we were off with a short josey over to the baseball field.

Warm Up

Good Morning, Cotton Pickers, SSH, Arm Circles, Seal Clap, Overhead Clap, Mnt. Climbers

Thang 1

Ascending Testicles. Everyone found a spot in front of the outfield fence. Starting in plank position perform 5 merkins, walk feet up the fence to about 10 degrees and perform 5 merkins, walk feet up to about 45 degrees and perform 5 merkins, walk feet up fence to full BTTW position for Aussie Mnt Climbers IC x10. Walk feet back down to 45 degrees for 5 merkins, down to 10 degrees for 5 merkins, to plank for 5 merkins. Recover. All out run to home plate.

Game #1 - “Baseball”

Partner up. Partner 1 holds Partner 2’s feet so P2 can wheelbarrow to first base. After arriving at first base P1 does 10 curls still holding P2’s feet. Switch and repeat to second base. Switch and repeat to third then home. Recover.

At this point I asked our FNG which of these 2 exercises he would like us all to repeat. He chose Ascending Testicles

Thang 2

All out run to the outfield, Repeat Thang 1. Recover. All out run back to home plate. Recover. Mosey to parking lot.

Game #2 - “Dominoes”

With the PAX in a straight line holding left-arm-up plank, the first in line falls to regular plank then down to 6" hold, at which point the 2nd guy does the same, and so on. Like falling dominoes. This gets repeated all the way to the end, then returns with right-arm-up plank. And repeato. Recover. Mosey to skate park.

Game #3 - “Jump Rope”

YHC brought a battle rope and forming a half circle around it, each PAX got a turn on the rope, while the rest of the PAX performed a series of jumping exercises including jump squats, jump lunges and burpees. We repeated this exercise replacing the jumping with LBC, Freddy Mercury, Hello Dolly, Low Slow Flutter, Big Boy Sit Ups, WWII and O Face. Recover.

Game #4 - “Skating”

Starting on one end of the skate park we performed the Dutch Skate to the other end, moseyed back to the beginning and repeato.


Dying Cockroach, Plank Variations, 6" hold Peter Parkers, Dingy-Kayak, 100s


Kubota’s plate sale Friday 7/20. A group is meeting at 12:30. Dinner also available. Lots of opportunities to get involved with Healing Transitions, and donations always welcome. F3 Dads Saturday 7/21 Prayers for Acot’s M and her pregnancy.


  1. We had 3 PAX under the age of 18. Not sure if that’s respect or hate, hate, hate?
  2. Ascending Testicles kills any and all mumble chatter.

YHC took us out with a quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson

The reward of a thing well done is to have done it. Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.


See also