The Freedom Trail July 4th Convergence

@Qwerty, @Red Ryder and YHC met last week to plan the 2019 July 4th Convergence hoping to create something special. Our goal was to keep the PAX together in order to preserve fellowship and maybe a few exercises in-between. The disclaimer was disclaimed, the F3 Mission was delivered and Whitney Houston’s Star Spangled Banner put the PAX in a USA state of mind that included a Fly Over courtesy of Delta.

YHC shared the workout mission to pay homage to 3 epic Revolutionary War battles fought between 1775 and 1781.

76 Pax were off lead by @QWERTY heading to the big field. 6 of the 76 conducted a pre-ruck and when the Pax headed out 2 Pax were on their way to an 1776 inspired Ruck.

Warm-Up- Big circle in the main field at Bond lead by Ryder, QWERTY and YHC. Q-adrenaline kicked in for YHC swapping overhead claps for Seal Claps (Freed to Lead)… @Qwerty without missing missing a beat followed up with the “Classic Seal Clap” which only ignited more mumble-chatter a Carpex staple. Merkins, claps squats and maybe a few others primed the pax for the first battle.

The Battle of Lexington-Concord THANG 1: @QWERTY shared a bit of history regarding the 1st battle of the Revolutionary war complete with Paul Revere’s infamous ride from the North Church warning of the Red Coats. The PAX split in two groups lined up on opposite sides of the field. 11’s were called with Patriotic Burpees in the middle, Star Jumps on the other end. The fun was only beginning.

The Battle of Bunker Hill THANG 2: @Red Ryder lead the PAX to the bottom of the DAM facing Bond Lake. Ryder explained how the Continental Army lost the Battle of Bunker Hill, however while losing, realized they can stand toe to toe with the mighty British Army. Ryder called 7’s with sprints up the hill. American Hammers at the top, down the stairs and World’s Worst Merkins at the bottom. The sun at this point was kicking our arrrsss. We ended with a plank hold waiting on the six. The Pax looked weary, yet it was not over yet. YHC lead the Pax from Bunker Hill to the far left parking lot near the rope course.

The Battle/ Siege @ Yorktown THANG 3: The Continental Army 18,000 troops (including France) surrounded Cornwallis and his men after a brief skirmish, the British had enough and on October 19th, 1781 The war ended and this great nation was born. YHC called The LT Dan Taylor. While LT Dan Taylor fought in Vietnam, a member of his family died in every war dating back to the Revolutionary. 1 to 4 Squats / Lunges the pax made their way around the parking lot. Before we rounded the pickle, we noticed a solder falling out of ranks attempting a mutiny. YHC corrected this behavior with 10 Burpees OYO. We continued up to 28 lunges and headed back to our starting point with victory and many flags in hand.

MARY: @QWERTY lead us all with a few MARY exercises and Ryder finished it off with Control Freak Merkins

Announcements: Hot For Teacher hard launch Thursday 5:30am Oliver Chapel Elementary School Apex. @Slappy has your Q.

Countarama: 76

Namearama: 5 FNG’s. Welcome Madoff / Spice Girl/ Headroom/ Spinal Tap/ Lights Out

Thanks to all the Pax who brought food, beer and other drinks. @smokey’s Egg bake was on-point.

See also