The Forgotten Q

In case you haven’t heard BRR is coming up soon. Like next week soon. Like you won’t have to hear about it anymore for a while soon. Many, many moons ago Hermes suggested we all take Q’s this week and do running/hill repeat type work outs which we were all enthusiastic about signing up for. Come today and YHC forgot that he signed up to Q FWD. Fortunately someone was kind enough to ask me what we were doing that day which started the conversation of how I was the Q today and so on and so on. So with about 5 minutes to cook up something here’s what we done did. Do take note that there were 2 FNG’s there also so YHC considered NERF’ing the running Q to accommodate the unknown but then I brushed that noise aside and had faith that all would be well.

Warm Up:

Circle up.

  • 21x SSH IC
  • 21x MC’s IC
  • 10x GM’s IC
  • 10x WM’s IC
  • 10x M’urcans IC
  • 10x Squats IC

The Thang:

Run up Tryon Rd. all the way to Kildare Farm Rd. then turn around and pick up the 6.

In the adjacent parking lot we did..

  • 10x M’urcans IC
  • 10x Squats IC
  • 20x Quik Feet
  • Some light calf stretches

Group 1 (Those who did turn around because they were the 6) head straight back down Tryon Rd. to Cary Parkway.

Group 2 (The rest) Take the long way around Waverly Place and then head back down Tryon Rd.

Once there do a Mary exercise until all are in.

Head back to the parking lot and once there line up to run to the lil’ Pickle Jr. and weave them balls.

Head back to the flag and we are done.

Total Mileage was 3.7ish

Strava Link



  • Carpex 5 year Anniversary at DZ on Friday (Wonk rumored to be there)
  • Labor Day workout? Possible Murph?
  • Labor Day running opportunity see slack. Yoga Mat will have a table set up so go see him.

Prayers and Praises:

  • Be with Grease Monkey and family in their time of loss
  • Be with Red Lobster’s brother in-law
  • Be with Macho Man

YHC lead us in prayer.

NMS: Well then. Honestly was thinking about how slack I’ve been on picking up Q’s and how I’m going to do better once we’re past the BRR but apparently the Big Q in the Sky thought I was ready for action today! This just goes to show you that you should never reset your phone’s calendar without having a list of prior commitments written down first so that you can add them back in after. Otherwise you might get a little surprise. Really appreciate all the Pax who lead and who show up day in and day out. See you in the gloom.

See also