The Forgotten Hill

22 PAX of all ages, shapes and sizes gathered in the warm, moist gloom of Apex Nature park for a beat down of epic proportions. Little did they know.

Warm up

Allegiance is pledged, then mosey to the basketball court for SSHs, cotton pickers, good mornings, hill billies, 10 burpees and merkins (on my down AND up).

The Thang

At the first entrance is where we begin Double 11s. Monkey Humpers here, Peter Parker merkins at the second entrance. In between? Ascending burpees at the bottom of the hill, counting up to 10 and then descending.


No time.


2 respects and seemingly unlimited Hates, awesome!

New years convergence, details on Slack. KKC sign ups ongoing. Continued prayers for Ausfarht and Swag’s M. And a big welcome to Crimson who was waiting when we stumbled back to the flag. YHC took us out.


On December 28, 1991, YHC took the plunge and joined #TeamMarriedUp. It’s been a damn good run. A bunch of the PAX this morning hadn’t even been born yet. Let that sink in. There were 84 burpees and 2.7 miles, not too shabby.

Proverbs 16:9 - A person plans his course, but the Lord directs his steps.

Make today a little better than yesterday.

See also