The Force is strong with this one...

Props to @Hello Kitty for the idea.  I’m realizing that the older I get, the more I miss being a kid.  The fantasy of Episode 4, way back in ‘77, is lost on Millennials.  My office mate, all of 25 years old,  None of them.  Of course She also texts with all her fingers versus my hunt and peck, so….

So, long ago, at an AO far, far away, Hello Kitty hatched a plan to have Star Wars themed Qs on Internation Star Wars Day (May the fourth be with you…May the fourth be with us all).  I’d been hoping to get a Q at Dante’s Peak soon as it got light enough in the morning to go explore some untouched areas of the park.  As it was, this was close enough, with a little extra firepower.


As per normal, it started with a sweltering run to the AO from home.  This time the Q was toting some supplies (2 light sabers, 40 glow bracelets, extra headlamp, flashlight, Star Wars shirt, and a bluetooth speaker).   Felt like a fast ruck.  Q arrived on scene about 5:30, and set a lightsaber out in the woods on the Pine Loop.  Found out later that it has a timer feature, and the saber will power down on its own.  Oops.  Back to the shelter to greet the incoming jedis in training and assign them to squadrons using glowing armbands (we will NOT call them bracelets).


Head for the circle and, well, circle up.

Ewok hops (SSH) x 18 (yep, 5/4/18)

X-wing (windmills) x 10

Pit of Carkoon (a messload of plank, chilcutt, plank jack, plank march, etc. stuff, lots of 10 counts around the circle…a real crowd pleaser)

Imperial Run down to the start of the Pine Loop trail and squad up

Thang 1:

Squadron chase through the woods with 5 merkins each time you’re caught.  Find the lightsaber that had shut off, marking the direction to follow (thanks @Hotspot!)

Wookie Crawl (bear crawl) all the boardwalks

Once through the forest, on the other side, Rebel Run (Indian Run) until we enter the woods again, then fellowship/Wookie Crawl your way out.

Thang 2:

Once we’d all emerged, fellowship run along the woods line…hmmm that hill is rather ominous from that perspective…wait, why are we stopping?  Oh, the Q’s calling 7s

Force Merkins (spider Merkins) at the bottom, Darth Mauls (180 Squat Jumps) at the top.  1 at the bottom, 6 at the top, wash, rinse, repeat

Thoroughly smoked, we pressed on.

Squadron run again, towards the disc golf paths.  Choose the right path, young jedi.

Another bridge to crawl over, then hang a left and work some agility on a log.  Moving on, we moseyed towards the Uneti Tree (Jedi tree of knowledge) on Ahch-To, where we circled up for…

Master Yoda (Good Mornings)


Empire Strikes Back (WWIIs)

Mosey on.

Thang 3:

Finding the Dagobah Swamp (frog pond loop), we headed for high ground for more jedi training.  Up up up to the highest rock wall for:

Irkins x 10 OMD

Derkins x 15 OMD

Dips x 10 OMD

Squadron run again to Riptide’s favorite bridge, where we Wookie Crawled across it.  Once across, hang a quick right up through the woods and go find the basketball court.

Yep, got to do it.

Skywalker Jedi (BTTW) 10 count down the line, alternating single arms

Recover and follow the Q to the center of the fields, where we did…

Imperial March IC to the music (silly ads)

Quick sprint back to the flag (already 6:30:30) for a quick round of Have a Nice Day.

YHC took us out.



I started writing this Friday, May 4th.  The weekend got packed, then I was in a project week all last week, and my mind went to mush.  I can’t recall all the names of the pax present and for that I apologize!  If you were there for the fun, please ring in and I’ll add you to the backblast.

Old Maid will adhere to the sundown rule from here on out; backblast complete by sundown same day.

See also