The Five Man Weave

After putting my name on the Q sheet last week I went back and forth trying to come up with a way to get the PAX moving between stations, without running, and while maintaining social distance. I settled on a three man weave, with a 2-man option if needed. As luck would have it Callahan ran a 3-man-weave Tuesday at FWD and it worked fairly well, so I thought I was good to go.

Tin2Iron is still a relatively new AO and while I’ve been posting here fairly regularly, the crowd still fluctuates some. Still, when I pulled into the parking lot as there were only a 3 of us (including WWW prepping coffee) I was surprised by the low numbers. At 5:29 there were 5 of us and I was eyeing the driveway hoping for one more so we could have a multiple of 3 (or 2), but no such luck.

Warm Up

5:30, no FNGs, said the pledge then Good Mornings, Side Straddle Hops, Seal Claps, and Hillbillies, walk to the shed for some coupons and back for the Thang

Thang 1: the 2 team weave

  • Station 1 (at the basketball hoop): Rock You Bodies
  • Station 2 (at the island halfway down the parking lot): Sgt. Squatters
  • Bear Crawl from Station 1 to Station 2
  • Flying Nuns from Station 2 to Station 1

WWW and Build-a-Bear (1st team) start Crawling to Station 2 while Tang, The Joker, and YHC (2nd team) do Rock Your Bodies. Once the first team gets to Station 2 and begins their Sgt. Squatters, the second team starts crawling. We do these for a while, switching from Bear Crawl to Crawl Bear just for kicks.

Thang 2: 5 x 11

  • Pax in a circle (pentagram, really). Plank position, first PAX calls down for a merkin then counts to ten for a plank hold, then his neighbor does the same thing, all the way around the circle. Then we do 2 merkins and a 9-count hold, etc.
  • When we got to 4 and 7, we switched to standing position, and did squats and one-leg tree-pose for the hold. We did a few rounds of that.

Thang 3: The only running at Tin2Iron is me running out of ideas

  • Okay, everyone grab your coupon and carry it over the the tree at the far end of the parking lot. Carry it high above your head all the way back. Crap that didn’t take very long, and was kinda boring. I guess it’s time for some extended Mary.


  • I’m sure this is the wrong order, but we did
  • Low Slow Flutters
  • the Protractor
  • LBCs
  • Box Cutters
  • American Hammers
  • Superman/Bananas
  • Control Freak J-Lo’s (holding down on one side, raising your arm up, then returning to center)
  • Have a nice day


  • Announcements (TPC Sawgrass and something else), Praises and Prayers (friend of The Joker looking for work)
  • Ausfarht pulls into the parking lot. We contemplate 45 burpees but choose wisely and go for coffee instead

Returned the coupons to storage then gathered at Tin2Iron Coffee Bar where site barista WWW had a freshly brewed pot, creamer, and other fancy things. Spacemen and their planetary needs were discussed.

See also