The Finest World Cup Launch in NW Cary on a Thursday Morning......

For once, YHC wasn’t in for the EC run to or at the finest AO in NW Cary on a Thursday morning. No, YHC had some important Q-prep to be done before the launch of another Flying Circus episode.

There were some early birds out…and by early I mean beginning at an hour that has 4 at the start…..Ma Bell, Beaker, Old Maid and Michelob all took off early for merkin miles around the finest track in NW Cary on a Thursday morning.

YHC arrived back to the huddled group of HIM’s just in time to announce the “one-minute” warning, and then duly waited until Nature Boy assumed a precarious position to tie his laces before setting off with the PAX for a warm up jog, leaving Nature Boy to hastily catch up.

Run near to the main Middle School entrance & circle up

10 Good Mornings (gotta have them to have a good day, right Nature Boy?). 20 windmills 20 Cotton Pickers 32 Side Straddle Hops

…..32…, its not my birthday (yet), and thank you, that was a long time ago anyway.

YHC explained that today was not only flag day, but it was the opening of the festival of football [soccer] otherwise known as the World Cup, and there are 32 teams qualified for these finals. Todays workout is therefore themed around the world cup….starting with the FIFA selection process.

As we all know, FIFA conduct a very rigorous review, which involves conducting an indepth review of each countries suitability as host, and then complex shuttle diplomacy to build alliances and consensus as to the best and most appropriate host…..we would honor that with a round of 13’s - quick feet and Derkins, starting with quick feet.

In Cadence, exercise….1,2,3 “1”, 1, 2, 3, “2”, 1, 2, 3 “3”, 1, 2, 3, “4”…..and HALT. Well done, we, as FIFA, have now completed our extensive research and diligence, and declare Russia the winner. Any questions? No? Follow me……

What the PAX didn’t yet know, but would soon learn, is that dotted around the AO were “cheat Weinke’s”, one for each of the 8 groups of teams in the first round of the world cup, and each sheet had on exercises directly, or in some cases very tenuously, linked to the country itself……

Run to “Group A” - top of the road between Middle / Elementary school: Russia - 20 Russian Hammers Saudi - 20 Saudi Sand Kicks Egypt - Walk Like Egyptian (like a slo-mo lunge filled indian run gone wrong) Uruguay - 20 Hillbillies

Run to “Group B” - playground Portugal - 20 LBCs (Lisbon Baby Crunches) Spain - 20 Rosalitas Morocco - 15 Moroccan Nightclubs Iran - Ollie Norths across the pitch

Diversionary Run to “Group G” - middle school entrance (already time was looking tight, so course alteration for run efficiency) Belgium - 20 Brussel sprout squats Panama - Canal Jump Burpees Tunisia - 20 Imperial Walkers (c’mon - everyone knows that the Tattooine scenes in Episode 4 of Star Wars were filmed in TUnisia, right?!) England - Abbey Road back & forth - signature move ;-)

Run to Soccer pitch for Groups C, D, E, F in the four corners:

Group C: France - 20 Frog Jumps Australia - 20 Aussie Mountain Climbers Peru - 20 Sun Gods (Inca Trail - sun gate…come on, work with me guys!) Denmark - 20 Copenhagen Crab Cakes (OK, alliteration is a weak way to link the country to an exercise….)

Group D: Argentina - 25m Horseback Ride (aka partner carry) Iceland - Wall of Fire Croatia - 20 Croatian Mountain Climbers Nigeria - 20 Lagos Lunges - toward next stop

Group E: Brazil - 20 Supermans Switzerland - Burpees O’Clock Costa Rica - 20 Nipplers Serbia - Bear Crawl - toward next stop

Group F: Germany - 20 WWII’s Mexico - 20 Mexican Jumping Beans Sweden - 20 Captain Thor’s South Korea - 20 Seoul Star Jumps

Finally, run back to the basketball court for the last group, Group H: Poland - 3 Krakow Burpees (regular burpee with 3 hand release merkins at bottom) Senegal - Dakar Rally (2 circuits of the court) Colombia - 20 Shakira’s Japan - 20 Sumo Squats

Mary - no time..but squeezed in a “have a nice day” finish. Prayers - inspire us for the rest of the day.

NMS - Soccer is a real sport. The last world cup final (2014) was watched by one billion people. - Sorry to have lost Old Maid and Beaker due to time commits - Happy M Birthdays - Old Maid and Goose - First match today Russia v Saudi - editors note - finished 5-0 to Russia. - BOGO already working on getting tickets for 2024 world cup, which is going to be hosted between US/Mexico/Canada….I’m in BOGO….get me a ticket.

See also