The Dragon's Tail (or is that tale?)

Luckily, YHC was in bed by 10:00, so plenty of rest before the Q at SNS. But, it was a long day. It was my day to home school my two girls so the M could work. After dominating the Letterland lesson, we crushed counting to 100 by fives and tens. I was mentally exhausted. YHC did rebound for science and P.E., and then, in the spirit of my kids missing being at school, cooked up some droopy square pizza for lunch. But that’s not it. Then YHC took the girls to swim lessons, and then drove straight to the neighborhood pool at 2:30. ‘Twas odd being at the pool at 2:30 on a Tuesday, but we had a 3.5 hour pool session. Even odder was guzzling 5 Budweisers from 2:30-6:00 on a Tuesday at the pool. Strange times.

Q’ing at SNS is always awesome. So many options. So much terrain. While Budweiser brain was long gone, YHC still stumbled through a disclaimer and instructions to the PAX. Opening exercise was Reaction-Action; you know, to get the PAX’s brain warmed up. I posted at Phoenix Saturday, and it struck me that I didn’t know everyone—hadn’t been out to the gloom in >2 months, so there were several new faces. The plan was to get to know everyone again via F3 Speed Dating. Partner up with one other PAX that you don’t know at all, or don’t know so well…..and get to know them during the warm-up/exercises. At regular intervals, the Q will ask different PAX to tell us about their partner. It worked out well, and was fun too.

Warm Up:
Circle the wagons. Continue jogging to the Community Center parking lot with some butt kicks and side slides on the way. Circle up for Invisible Jump Rope, GM, Phelps Arm Swings, Merkins, Plank, Air Force One’s, and Saturday Nite Stretch. All were performed in perfect cadence from YHC.

Thang 1:
Jog to the boathouse parking lot. With your partner, start at bottom of the road leading to the parking lot. Stop half way for x 10 PJs, continue to the top of the hill for x 25 LBCs, jog to bottom of hill for x 25 LBCs. Repeato for another set. Jog over to the kiosk.

Thang 2:
Partner 1 runs to top of kiosk hill and performs x 5 Sumo Squat Jumps. Meanwhile partner 2 performs AFAP x 10 SSH and x 10 merkins. Repeato.

Thang Break:
You ever notice that long hump in the middle of the field at Bond Park? You know what that is? Well, I do. I orated the story to the PAX. The abbreviated version is: Legend has it that a humongous dragon roamed Bond Park for centuries. The dragon was ultimately slayed and buried right there in Bond Park. That hump you see is the dragon’s tail. Lore states that if you stand on one end of the tail, you must sprint to the other end of the tail in less than a minute. Or the dragon awakes from the dead!
The next exercise is The Dragon’s Tail Sprint

Thang 3:
After jogging to the damn dam rock pile, partner 1 performs x 10 curls-4-gulrs, x 10 rockrows, and x 10 rock presses. Meantime, partner 2 runs up the steps at the far end of the dam and performs x 5 Star Jumps at the top, then returns to partner 2. Flip flop x 2 sets.

Thang 4: jog over to the Big Bond Park Hill. Last exercise was: Ride The Wave. It looked cool as f*%k !

Pick up the pace run back to The Shovel Flag.

Count-a-rama: 18’ish bootcamp, 10ish Vesper, and 12ish Maynard.
Name-a-rama: couple Hates, buncha Mehs, buncha Respects.
Announcements and Prayers/Praises: none verbalized today.
Ball of Man: well, social distanced circle of man. Flacco took us out like a pro.

Nekkid Mole Skin:
* I’m sure it was just a coincidence: Chop Block and his son Sandlot were dripping in Georgia Tech gear. C’mon man, Chop Block knows I’m a UGA guy.
* It was awesome hearing fellow PAX telling about their speed dates during the workout!
* I always enjoy Flacco’s words in COT, and his words hit home again today. Thanks Flacco.
* I stayed and drank some coffee and chatted with some PAX after the workout. It confirmed what I have known all along: I’m absolutely the only normal guy in Carpex.

See also