It was high time that EVERYBODY at a CarPex AO ALL spelled MERLOT on the same workout. YHC was determined to make that happen today. And so it did.
6 highly committed, highly motivated men spelled MERLOT at Wolverine on a nippy January morning.
The Warmup
- Pledge of Allegiance at the flag - Run to the north field, far corner - SSHs, Good Mornings, St. Merkins, Sir Fazio+OH Claps, Penalty Burpees, Hillbillies, LBCs - Run to the rock pile, grab a “one hand” rock - Run to the shelter with the rock over your head
The Thang
- Time to spell MERLOT…perform 50 of each of the following with a lap around the pickle after each: M - Merkins (other than standard) E - Elf on the Shelf with your rock (L/R is one) R - Red Bull Smurf Jacks IC L - Lunge Jumps (L/R is one) O - One-Legged Burbees T - Turkish Get Ups with your rock
- Replace your rock, Bear Crawl to the flag
- Oh yeah…thanks, Pierogi…let’s do a few Wolverines for posterity.
- ALL 6 men gather for coffee