The Danger "No Winkie" Zone

As I found myself at DZ this morning, I was welcomed by cool weather, with a chance of rain along with a bare forearm that is normally covered by the pro level winkie.  Alas, today was the day to possible retire it, but no promises. 

Looking at 9 good looking HIM, with no FNGs, we turned towards the flag for the pledge. 

Quick lap around pickle for some warmups

Mozy up the road to Railinc Corp for Thang 1: 7’s on the Stairs

  • Burpees
  • Plank Jacks

With suggestion of Blowout we then mozied on the greenway back towards flag. All agreed that the hill to the top sucked. We were rewarded by a beautiful sunrise. In celebration we then stoped for Rail Work at two locations. Consisting of: 

  • The Dip
  • The Dierken
  • The Merkin (on 2nd stop)

Mozy to AO for Thang 2: Field Fun

  • Lunge Walk half field
  • Bear Crawl half field

Another lap around pickle to BB Court for Mary

  • American Hammers
  • LBCs

Have a nice day

COT and YHC took us out in prayer.

See also