The Core Principles

FNG Check / Disclaimer / Cast the Vision / FOLLOW ME.. two feet away for:

F3 Workouts are FREE of charge.
Warm Up
-Failure to Launch
-Rockette Hillbillies
-Erkin x 15
-Erkin x 15

F3 Workouts are Open to All Men.

Run to the far parking lot for
Daft Punk
7s with World War 1 Situps and World’s Worst Merkins

F3 Workouts are held Outdoors, Rain or Shine, Heat or Cold.

Run back toward the near parking lot, stopping to grab 2 pebbles.
Sun Gods
Moon Gods
Hot Potato

F3 Workouts are led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion, with no training or certification necessary.
Clementine called out Boat Canoes.
Hi-Liter called out Side Plank Star Crunches.

F3 Workouts end with a Circle of Trust.
Fire Drill
Wave of Merkins

BACK TO THE FLAG… that’s it.

COR - 22
NOR - 5 RESPECTS, 16 Meh, 1 HATE
Welcome to FNG Prodigal!

‘They’ are running the Maynard tomorrow
Collecting Blankets for HT - bring to the Arena or pay Hi-Liter
Frey Daddy’s 24 hour run
Convergence 1/1 at FOD - the ‘Q-cophony’
K2C signups ongoing for 2/2

Prayer Requests
Andrea with provisions for rent (Red Ryder)
Swag’s wife - Pray on Friday morning (and now)

This site passes the “Harris Teeter within 2 miles of the AO” test… which should arguably be another core principle #AObathroomsalwayslocked 
I have found that this is a critical attribute when doing the pre-scouting of the AO the morning of the Q. #recurringtheme #tmi

Was not willing to bite on the Boy George attempt for Prodigal’s name - Karma Chameleon would have had to be present for the workout. Went with the Orphan treatment on this one.

Final Q of 2018 (unless the Maynard isn’t terrible and no one picks up BH). I feel like a grew a lot this year through this process. It is no small feat to put together a plan and execute it - super t-claps to y’all who Q every month.

Thank you, Swag, for sharing this morning. You being honest and vulnerable helps each of us to dig a little deeper in the hard things that happen in our lives.

See also