The concrete doesn't actually obliterate your hands

Many of you know that I sometimes go lift after F3. I learned several months ago that doing an EC Run, posting for a beatdown, and then going to the gym usually just leads to a half-assed lifting session, and I stopped doing that. Well, last night I wasn’t thinking clearly and set my alarm for the EC Run knowing I was going to lift after. So,….I really just cheated myself out for 30 minutes of sleep this morning, and I was having some fantastic dreams fishing in Alaska. Ah well.

18 HIMs met in parking lot and headed out for a warm-up when #19 pulled in hot, so we came back into the lot for some pre-warmup burpees. Contrary to popular belief, their just Burpees…NOT a stretch. After knocking those out we then headed back out the lot and over to the parking area on the north side of the school for the warm-up.

  • 20 SSH
  • 15 Imperial Walkers
  • 10 Good Mornings
  • 10 Standard Merkins
  • 10 Diamond Merkins
  • 10 Wide Merkins
  • Calf Stretch

Mosey over to the nearby hill and after thoroughly ensuring no fire ants were atop we went back down and prepared for 11’s. Now here’s the thing, when it’s cold outside I wear gloves. When it’s warm….no gloves. Why, you may ask? 2 reasons. 1. I’m cheap and the skin on my hands magically repairs itself. 1. The sweat REALLY makes them stink. It’s horrible and IMO not worth it. As such I advised the pax that we would be doing 11’s here with WW-II’s at the top and Burpees at the bottom. Pax choice: Men do the burpees on the asphalt, Gigantic V’s do them in the grass. Start with 1 Burpee at the bottom annnnnnnnnd G!I then proceeded to do the first burpee in the grass and was immediately called out for being a Giant V. Thanks to the pax for keeping the Q straight!!

For Thang 2, partners are required. Now, we did a countarama during the warmup and ended in an even number, yet somehow we have an odd number. I question our counting skills and think #9 was said twice. Whatever. Head to the school playground for a dry run of the Dora route then with your partner:

  • 100 Pullups
  • 200 Mericans
  • 300 Squats
  • Partners run around the baseball field

Head back to the flag for Mary

  • 30 American Hammers
  • 20 WWII’s (Prodigal and I did them at least)


  • July 4th Convergence, 7:04 step-off at Bond Park
    • All other AO’s closed, 2nd F following
  • 0545 Step-Off for EC Ruck coined “The Tea Party”
  • New AO “Hot For Teacher” Hard Launch this week

Prayers: None

Praises: EarharT is now fully back!

NMS: Not sure what this stupid Yoast SEO block is on my screen, but it’s prevent me from seeing much of what I type and is very annoying. If it stays, it may severely impact my ability and drive to write BB’s. I give up. Also, I’m missing four names. Sorry about that.

See also