The Clean up Continues

The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry… as did this Q.

Having pledged our allegiance we moseyed about 5 lights down for a quick warm up.


We acknowledged ‘76 once again in the as it was a year that would forever change the course of my parents life. Performed 4 sets of Merkins (20,20,20,16 = 76). Between the sets we Side Straddle Hop, Good Morning, American Hammer, Australian Snow Angel.

Shank was kind enough to lead the way to the track where I soon discovered it was still way too dark to see 10 yard lines in the football field which would have been necessary to perform Thang 1 - Webbicide (it’s in the Exicon if you’re interested in what it is). So we called an audible…

Thang 1

DORA 1-2-3

Partner 1 Runs 100M suicides (20-40-60-80-100) while partner 2 begins the DORA

100 Carolina Dry Docks, 200 Sumo Squats, 300 LBCs

The PAX were good sports regarding the audible and didn’t mind the longer than usual suicides

Thang 2

Vacuum Cleaners (this is in the Exicon as well) to 5 lines.

An instant classic this exercise will the stress the core in such a way that leaves one on the verge of dry heaving.


Fluttering Rocketman , Dying coach roaches and Toy Soldier


Announcements - Odessy (sign up, buy your shirt, go)

Prayer- Continue to remember those who lost so much in the hurricane

See also