The Circuit is the Thang

A cool, clear morning greeted 18 PAX for a basic run and beatdown workout. No FNGs and everyone there on time, so off we go to the back parking lot. Circle up in the parking lot for:

Warm Up

10 Good Mornings

20 Side Straddle Hops

10 Cotton Pickers

10 Windmills

10 Sir Fazio Arm Circles

10 Hillbillies


The Thang

Count-a-rama before the thang, telling them to remember their number for later. Finish with the warm-up and head over to the hill for some circuit jack webs. Q instructs the PAX to perform two sets of jack webs, get up run to the top of hill, and perform two more. Repeato down the hill finishing in the basketball court.

Recover and now comes the number part. Odd numbers perform people’s chair on the fence, even numbers suicide. Flap jack 2 more times for a good cardio workout.

Next up is some 11’s odd will start on the basketball court with 10 squats, bear crawl up the small hill and 1 burpee. Evens bear-crawl up the hill 10 burpees and run the circuit and do 1 sumo squat. Around and around until everyone finishes the 11s drill.

Recover on the mosey to the first field. Q now wants to do Captain Thors circuit style. One big boy sit-up with 3 2-count hammers, 2 big-boy sit-ups, 6 hammers, get up go to the far corner, and keep going up until we reach 10 and 30.


Finally, we circle-up for a 5 count exercise around the horn. Each PAX pick a favorite 5 count and lead the PAX in the exercise.


Count-a-rama: 18 hearty PAX.


Sign-up for the Bull.

Come to Phoenix tomorrow to get your picture in the local church bulletin

Michelob will be Q’ing whiplash April 1st (the 90 minute version) for his version of a birthday celebration.

Spring cookout Bond park Saturday May 6th. M’s and 2.0s invited.

Churham/Carpex convergence May 6th. Details to follow


  • Appreciation was heard from the PAX for breaking up the jack webs with a little run
  • T-claps to Yogi for posting and doing a great, first suicide push
  • Mumble chatter was minimal during the 11s, good sign everyone was focused, tired, something
  • Captain thors proved more difficult for many, probably due to the fact many Qs forget to do Mary anymore
  • Mumble about calling audibles on Captain thor but we pushed through
  • Finished a little over time but the circuit exercise seemed to go over well
  • For the F3 picture day tomorrow, PAX suggested we wear a singlet, similar to the one Borat wore
  • Old Maid came for the run and then took off

It was an honor to lead you men this morning.

See also