The Caterers I Hired Suck!

This morning I hosted (what may have been) the first ever Field of Dreams Welcome Party, which started 15 minutes prior to the workout. Invitations went out to the entire PAX however Ma Bell, Largemouth, Biner, PBX, Katniss, Bogo, Two Factor, Liverpool, Sosa,  Crimson & YHC RSVP’d.  We gathered in the parking lot and ran over to the shelter near the soccer field, but when we arrived I noticed the food I ordered from the caterers hadn’t arrived yet. So while we were there we did 10 pull-ups. I thought maybe they delivered the food to the other shelter so we ran over there, but nothing. So we did Alt. L/R Step Ups instead. Back to shelter #1, no food, but dips. Back to shelter #2. Still no food, but Erkins. Back and forth we went, looking for the refreshments only to find the same thing over and over.

Hey look, it’s 0542, Party’s over.

0545 Here we go.

Mosey up the hill to the far end of the parking lot on the right. On the way a little backwards running and karaoke.

Warm up Good Morning, Windmill, Sir Fazio’s, Seal Clap, Overhead Clap, Moroccan Nightclub, SSH, Int Climber, Merkin, Steve Earle

Mosey across the way to the parking lot on the left.

Thang 1 W.A.S.H. & D.R.Y. 50 Hand Release Werkins; 100 American Hammers; 150 Squats; 200 Homer to Marge.

Between exercises, Duck Walk to end of parking lot; Run back; Yurpee (Burpee with hand clap merkin and 2 tuck jumps)

Mosey to bottom of hill to rock pile. Grab an ego rock.

Thang 2 Curl rock and hold; Goblet squat and hold; Shoulder press and hold; Stand; Overhead tricep extension. Recover. Take 1 step to the left. Repeato until you get back to your original rock. Complete 5 more OYO. Recover.

Mosey to flag

Mary Plank Variations, LBCs, 100s

COT - Katniss said “Christmas Party” (Literally. That’s all he said. That was his announcement. No other details) - Liverpool mentioned all of the things you can do instead of spending time with your family on           Thanksgiving. - No Prayers or Praises

YHC took us out with a quote from Roman Philosopher Seneca

“We should every night call ourselves to an account;  What infirmity have I mastered today?  What passions opposed? What temptation resisted? What virtue acquired? Our vices will abort of themselves if they be brought every day to confession.”


See also