The Captain's Place - KB EMOM

NOTE: Captain Kangaroo was the Q. Posted on his behalf by Wahoo.

**Introductions made, no FNG.
Mission and Core Principles read.
Sir Fazio Arm Circles x10 IC F/R
Imperial Walker x15 IC
World’s Greatest Stretch + Merkins x 2 sets of 10

**EMOM (Every Minute On The Minute).
Perform called out exercise(s) OYO and recover for the balance of the minute. So if you do them faster you have longer
to recover. If you do them slower you have less time to recover. Pick your poison! Numbers below indicate the minute
1- Kettlebell Swing x20
2- Burpee x10
3- Squat-to-High Pull x10 + Squat Thrust-to-Overhead Press x10 [oops, a little ambitious on the #s here. Will alter
next round]
4- Kettlebell Swing x20
5- Burpee x10
6- Squat-to-High Pull x7 + Squat Thrust-to-Overhead Press x7
7- Run to opposite end of parking lot and back
8- Right-hand KB Press x7 + Left-hand KB press x7 + 2-hand KB Press x7
9- Right-hand KB Row x7 + Left-hand KB Row x7 + 2-hand KB Row x7
10- 2-hand Curl x7 + 2-Hand Tricep Extension x7 + 2-hand Curl x7
11- Right-hand KB Press x7 + Left-hand KB press x7 + 2-hand KB Press x7
12- Right-hand KB Row x7 + Left-hand KB Row x7 + 2-hand KB Row x7
13- 2-hand Curl x7 + 2-Hand Tricep Extension x7 + 2-Hand Curl x7
14- Run to opposite end of parking lot and back

Interlude – Mosey to field where someone had left the tractor tire. Plan was to take turns flipping it back to where it needed to be stored. If you weren’t flipping, you were doing pull-ups or burpees while you waited your turn. Once everyone had a go with the tire and it was stored away we moved back over toward the curb near the church to resume the EMOM
15- Kettlebell Swing x20
16- Burpee x10
17- Squat-to-High Pull x7 + Squat Thrust-to-Overhead Press x7
18- Kettlebell Swing x20
19- Burpee x10
20- Squat-to-High Pull x7 + Squat Thrust-to-Overhead Press x7
21- Run to opposite end of parking lot and back
22- Right-hand KB Press x7 + Left-hand KB press x7 + 2-hand KB Press x7
23- Right-hand KB Row x7 + Left-hand KB Row x7 + 2-hand KB Row x7
24- 2-hand Curl x7 + 2-Hand Tricep Extension x7 + 2-hand Curl x7
25- Right-hand KB Press x7 + Left-hand KB press x7 + 2-hand KB Press x7
26- Right-hand KB Row x7 + Left-hand KB Row x7 + 2-hand KB Row x7
27- 2-hand Curl x7 + 2-Hand Tricep Extension x7 + 2-Hand Curl x7
28- Run to opposite end of parking lot and back

(Running short of time so ONE Mary exercise to make it official)
Low Country Crab x 20 IC

Countarama – 17
Prayer concerns/special intentions, etc
Closing prayer
Trunk Coffee

A few weeks ago I didn’t know this AO existed. One of your AO Qs (Wahoo) happened to be at Raleigh’s Green Flash AO one morning and we had a chance to talk at Coffeeteria. One of the things I remember him saying is that it seems like the same guys step up to Q all the time. As a fellow site Q (Saturday’s Catalyst in Raleigh) I know the feeling. So thought that it would be a good idea to take one of the upcoming Q slots here to give the Carpex region a little variety. On Sunday night when I was setting my alarm for 4am (to allow for coffee, morning lollygagging, travel, pre-scouting, etc) it seemed less of a good idea that it had a few weeks prior.

I showed up before 5 thinking I’d have some quiet time to look around and put things together. There were already afew folks on the pull-up bars. And it seems like it grew by two or three pax every five minutes. Strong pre-work!

I’m a big fan of the kettlebell and often Q the one in Raleigh (Wednesday’s ‘The Blitz’). As I did Monday morning, I will always use a timer of some sort…EMOM or Tabata. I think it’s a great wat to keep the heartrate up while also getting the bell work in. It’s also a nice way to self-Q in your garage or traveling (if you travel with a kettlebell like I do ;-) I’ll be back to Hell’s Bells soon!

PSA: if you are in the market for a new kettlebell to bring to this workout or keep in the garage, Walmart online (has to be online, not at store) usually has some inexpensive options. Search for CAP kettlebell and have it shipped to nearby store free (or if over $35 to your home and watch the delivery guy struggle with it to bring it up to your doorstep). Example a 30 lb is 29.99, 40 lb is 34.99, etc. a dollar per pound is pretty cheap and these are less than that.

See also