The Calm Before The Storm

I honestly couldn’t think of a title for today’s workout, and Disco Duck said this while we were warming up w/o kettlebells, so I thought, why not.

There’s nothing like throwing around heavy pieces of steel at 5:30 in the morning, so let’s get started.

We circled up for a little warm up, both with and without our kettlebells.

Warm Up w/o KB

Good Morning, Windmill, Imperial Walker, SSH, Arm Circles & Claps

Warm Up w/ KB

Around the head - body - legs, Figure 8, 2 hand swing, Alternating 1 hand swing

Thang 1

10x Bunny Hop over Kettlebell and do 2 Hand Release Merkins 10x L/R One Arm Clean & Press Lunge Walk, passing Kettlebell through legs, from parking lot to ampitheatre.

Thang 2

10x Burpee with 2 Upright Rows Partner Up: P1 run to pull up bar for 10x pull-ups; P2 20x curls, shoulder press, tricep extension. Repeato 10x L/R Kettlebell Up & Downs 5x L/R 2x Half Turkish Get Up + 1 Full Turkish Get Up 10x L/R Gladiator Press 3x L/R Windmill Kettlebell Farmer’s Carry back to the flag


American Hammer w/ KB, Low Slow Flutter w/ KB, 100’s w/o KB


Mark your calendars for Stair Climb and Odyssey Prayers for McCants

YHC took us out with a quote from Dr. Robert Shuller

It takes but one positive thought when given a chance to survive and thrive to overpower an entire army of negative thoughts. Most people who succeed in the face of seemingly impossible conditions are people who simply don’t know how to quit. Because tough times never last, but tough people do.


See also