The caber toss that wasn't

It was a breezy morning as I blazed into Rolling Stone at 0526. Those not interested in a Riptide Q at GT were assembling, including a guy looking for a good ruck. My plans for doing partner work were being dashed as we only had three, but Ezekiel showed up so we have a good even number. It being 0530 at that point, we did the Pledge and grabbed a sandbag and pain stick out of my trunk.

We headed over to the picnic pavilion for a brief warm up which included Good Mornings x5 IC, Urkins x20 OMD, and Ezekiel lead us in Motivators to 5, which is way more complicated than I have time or inclination to explain. Sufficiently warmed up, we made our way around the fields and to the cutthrough to Preston Village, with periodic exchanges of the coupons. We get to the big roundabout and partner up for some Catch Me if you Can, Coupon Style. P1 with the coupon takes off while P2 does 5 ruck squats before chasing down P1, finish one lap of the big roundabout. Since not all coupons are created equally, the teams trade coupons after lap 1, rinse and repeat. It was at this point that we encountered two quite talkitive late 40 something ladies out walking their dogs; it was later postulated that they might be part of the PV Chardonnays at Cinco Club since they were very chatty and affable. They were quite impressed by our Manly workout, and seemed to be particularly taken by Ezekiel, who stopped for a bit to chat them up. Note that they did walk the roundabout in the opposite direction we were going, in order to engage in more oral discourse with this fine looking group of men. No phone numbers were exchanged, but I have a feeling we might see them again.

We take our coupons with us to the cutthrough back to Green Hope Elementary, and start taking the long track around the fields. It was at this point that I had planned on doing alternating coupon caber toss with partner bear crawls & lunge walks. But after a demonstration of the caber toss left a huge crater in the soccer field, Repeato wisely suggested we not ruin the facilities. So we finished the lap of the track, headed over to check in on Lil Baby Banjo (the 67.2# pain stick that is hidden on the grounds of GHES), and did partner work in the parking lot - P1 does squats, presses, and curls x10 with the coupon while P2 rucked 100M down to the stop sign and back x2. It being 6:13, we reluctantly headed back to the shovel flag for Riptide’s signature Mary, the boat-canoe.

Great name ideas were thrown out at joint COT for Squatter’s neighbor, who has something north of 12 advanced degrees. Some of the many options: Tressel, Shembeckler, Mitten, LeBron, Pinky & The Brain, Pinky, Harbaugh. Eventually we landed on Slacker.

MIAGD fellas!

See also