The Brown-Out Badge

  • When: July 6th 2019
  • QIC: Earhart
  • The PAX: Parker, Banjo, Theismann, Ezekiel, Sub, Biner, Pierogi YHC Earhart

8 HIM gather in the warm, humid morning for an Earhart beatdown at the Green Mile.  Sub comes rolling in after running something like 10 miles in 20 minutes.  And he was not even gassed.  All gathered, we mosey down the lower parking lot, mixing in butt kickers, high knees, and shuffles for some variety before we circle up for:

Warm Up

Good Mornings

Side Straddle Hops

Cotton Pickers

Steve Earls

The Thang

Done with warm-ups, Q moves to the adjacent parking lot for some 4-corners escalator.  The exercises consisted of:

5 Burpees

10 Jump Squats

15 plan jacks (in cadence)

20 Imperial walkers (in cadence)

Reapto going back down the escalator. 

Done here we mosey over toward the school, stopping on the way for some quick feet.  Head down the stairs and over to a nice grassy hill for a round 7’s.  Twist here was crawl-bear up the grassy hill, 6 burpees at the top, mosey down the stairs and over to the middle for 1 monkey humper (in cadence).  Repeat until finished, modifying crawl-bears to bear crawls as needed.  T-claps to each HIM for at least doing one hill crawl bear style with Banjo, Parker, and Theismann doing all reps crawl. 

Finished here, two line for Indian run to the front of the school.  Theismann peels off to a handy port-a-john for a little morning constitution (suggested we as Q’s should earn badges for exemplary beatdown induced extra credit).  At the top, Q calls for partner merkins, ascending from one running around a pickle and continuing with the merkins all the way to ten.  At this point, we are thoroughly drenched and starting to feel the heat so we need to head back to the flag for some water.

To get there, we Indian run to the back of the school, line-up on the wall and perform alternating wall-sits with BTTW (or in some cases BTTP (pax)) while the partner runs a short mosey around the parking lot.  Three rounds of that fun done we head to a low wall for a Michelob inspired exercise.

Here at the wall, we perform one burpee, jump of the low wall, 1 LBC (in cadence), the up and back over the wall.  Reapto until 10 exercises are complete.  Now, mosey back to the flag for a much-needed water break.  Gulp it down then head up and through tick-infested grass to the rock pile.  Get either one ego or two rocks and head to the field.  Circle up and perform three rounds of:

Curls (20-15-10)

Overhead presses (20-15-10)

Tricep Extensions (20-15-10)

Rock Rows (20-15-10) 

We do a mosey around the field between each rep.  on your six for some:


All performed with your rock except J-LO’s:



Flutter Kicks


Put the rock back and head back to the flag, this time taking the non-flea infested path around and up through the parking lot.  15 minutes left, we perform various stretch exercises led by the different {PAX.  Great way to end a workout!!!

7:30 and we are DONE!


Count-a-rama:  8 PAX


It was an honor lead a great group of HIM!

See also