The Bridge Side-to-Side Catch Me If You Can Exercise?

Rollcall on Insta:  Video Here Beatdown on Strava:

YHC’s first time running in to an AO.  New (temporary) living quarters put me about 1.5 miles away from FWD.  Upon arriving at the parking lot a car was already there and the pax was missing.  A few minutes later Chipper runs out of the shadows and explains he had a little insomnia so he decided to EC run 3 miles.  Whatever floats your boat I guess.

Speaking of boats, YHC feels like he’s fallen out of a boat after every workout so far this month.  I don’t remember it being this humid in years past.  Makes me eager for February fun…(exaggerating for effect.)

Let’s get down to work:

  • YHC announces no gloves needed.
  • Disclaimer
  • Run to and circle the big balls lot for the Standard Shut-In Warmup.
  • Run down greenway to the fork.  20 Merkins / 20 Squats, meet you at the center of the bridge
  • Lazy 7s:  Pull-Ups and Aussie Mtn Climbers
  • Mozy to other end of the bridge, partner up.
  • P1 run down to bottom of ramp 10 Urkins / P2 mary (YHC did not plan this but YHC could not breathe, needed a break…) Flapjack
  • Go back to middle of the bridge for these things that have no name (Bridge Side-to-Side Catch Me If You Can):
    • P1 plank next to the left side of the fence / P2 plank on the left side of the fence facing P1 (opposite sides of the bridge but facing each other.
    • On YHC’s command side shuffle in plank position going back and forth from L to R side of the bridge.  At each end do 1 merkin.
    • The goal is to try and catch up and “lap” your partner.  You face each other so you can see where your partner is the whole time.
    • We did 2 sets and my gosh it suuuuuuuuucked.
  • YHC was drowning in humidity and needed more Mary.
  • Catch Me If You Can back to the giant balls - 3 HRMs (or 5…cant remember)
  • Grab 1 rock for your P1/P2 group
  • P1 does Burpee Inchworm with the rock / P2 takes a lap / flapjack
  • Finish after 1 burpee lap around the lot.
  • Everyone LOVED IT!!!!!!!
  • All you got oh wait, what’s that?  Complaining?  Want Shutty to get angry?
  • 10 Burpees.  Ya happy!!?


Thank YHC for YHCs leadership.

See also