The BEST Stretch


  • 23 HIM converged at FMJ for some work. 9 for IR Bruisers.
  • Burbeez are the BEST stretch.

The Warmup

  • Pledge of Allegiance at the flag
  • Mixed run around the school, paint the lines.
  • Circle up for: 50 Burbeez.
  • Run to Hill #1, discover the Pain Stix.

The Thang****s

  • 7s on the hill - Worst Burbee Evers at the top (a Burbee with a Pain Stick Military Press) and Pain Stick V-Ups at the bottom.

  • Run to Hill #2

  • 7s across the hill - Pain Stick Curls on one side, Pain Stick Squats on the other.

  • Run to the half wall.

  • 15-10-5 circuits of Dips, Irkins, Dirkins, ALRSU.

  • Run to the school wall.

  • BTTW down the line, 10 count.

  • Return the Pain Stix to the flag.


See also