The Best Little COT in Carpex

Two men showed up to Rush Hour today, both walked away stronger and sharper.

Warm Up

Mosey to the shaded grassy area next to the parking deck.  Did I mention it was shaded?

Good Afternoons x 10 (OYO)

Little Man Jumping Jacks x 10

Sir Fazio forward x 10 (big and slow)

Sir Fazio reverse x 10 (big and slow)

Cotton Pickers x 10

Alternating Turkish Get-ups x 10

Thang 1

Mosey over to the parking deck for what I’m calling a burpee ladder

Run up the stairs to the next level, 10 merkins

Run up the stairs to the next level, 10 squat jumps

Run up the stairs to the top level, 10 burpees

Mosey down to the bottom and repeato x 2

Thang 2

Mosey over to the rock pile next to the train tracks for some Colt 45 curls

15 reps from the bottom to halfway up

15 reps from halfway up to the top

15 reps from the bottom to the top

Thang 3

Mosey over to the big fountain in the courtyard

Alternating step-ups x 20

Dips x 15


Hello Dolly (Hey Girl) x 10

Freddie Mercury x 10

American Hammers x 10

LBC x 20

Have a nice day


Rush Hour has hands down the best COT location in all of Carpex.  We moseyed over to the small fountain nearest the parking lot, took off our shoes and sat with our feet in the water for a nice long while.


The great thing about Rush Hour is the group is usually pretty small and there’s usually no rush to leave afterwards, which makes it easier to have deeper and more intimate fellowship.  Banjo and I spent some quality time getting to know each other better, and talking about Shut-in’s reminder to pick up the six.

See also