The Beakentineheart Q

It seems like the only way I can Q these days is to jump in when other men need a hand (or sign up for early 2020 - I’m looking at you #AO-Mon-Wolverine). Although with the last kerfuffle of the triple switch Kitty, no, CD, no, Liverpool, no, Beaker Q, I made really darn sure I was taking over for the site and day I thought I was, and still half-expected someone else to start calling out the countdown. Maybe the PAX wished someone else had…

Beaker’s Beginnings (The Warm-up)

To honor Clementine and Earhart in their absences, I did my best to channel their essences. Geek Squad wore orange and Franklin and Betsy Ross said “kettle bells”…nailed it. Disclaim to this week’s crop of Dirty Bomb FNGs and head off for a short mosey to the next parking lot to paint some lines. Actually, all of them, we painted all of them. About the time we circled up and started some side straddle hops, pretty much all the PAX saw a pickup pull into the lot and pretty much all of them hoped he wasn’t joining us. He was, and that earned us 5 penalty burpees OYO. Turns out it was ANOTHER Dirty Bomb FNG, so I re-disclaimed, this time remembering to add that we start on time (and end on time - Saban). Keep the circle for:

  • 15 x Windmills
  • 10 x Willy Mays Hayes
  • 10 x Good Mornings
  • 1 x Merkin Pyramid

Beaker’s Beatdown (The Thang)

Everyone seemed sufficiently warm after the pyramid, so we headed over to the picnic shelter. Now, I don’t know if either Clementine or Earhart is particularly OCD or control freakish, but the beautiful thing about substitute Q-ing is that you can CLAIM you are only following the lead of the other guy. So, we did control-freak pull-ups on my up…and down. 12 PAX at a time on the I-beams while the other 12 PAX knocked out derkins AMRAP. Flapjack. Flapjack. Flapjack. I intended to call all four sets, but was toast after 2, so Pivot and Hotty Toddy stepped in to lead. I heard lots of “Thank you” and friendly smiles abounded at this point. I interpreted that to mean the PAX were really amped turn it up to 11, so we moseyed up to the USA baseball parking lot, stopping at each light post (lit or not) for 1 x Star Jump, 1 x Tuck Jump, and 1 x Burpee Broad Jump. I tried mixing up the order at one point to see if it would help. It did not. At the lot, we partnered up for wheelbarrow merkins. Starting at one end of the lot, wheelbarrow to the next parking spot line, knock out 5 merkins and move on. Keep going to failure, then switch, rinse, and repeat. Failure happened a lot faster than I expected…and happened faster with each successive rep. Always cognizant of the time (dang right - Saban), I decided to audible the next six exercises and we moseyed back, stopping for 1 burpee at each light.

Beaker’s Bellies (The Mary)

As we approached the flag, Kilmer reminded me how much everyone loves rocks, so we all grabbed one for “There’s Something About Mary….with rocks”.

20 x hammers (rocks as the hammer)

15 x Box cutters (rocks up above)

10 x Hello Dolly (rocks up above)

5 x Big boy sit-ups (I think you get it)

That brought us close enough to time for some stretching and Have-a-Nice-Day

Beaker’s Benediction (The COT)

24, 3 Hates (including FNG Recess), 6 respects (6! - including FNG Gump), and 1 Double Respect (FNG Buzz Lightyear)


  • 9/11 Stair Climb
  • 10/5 Odyssey
  • 10/7 Golf
  • Speed for Need
  • VQ Week (week of September 16th)


  • Liverpool’s appendectomy

YHC took us out

Beaker’s BS (The NMS)

  • Sarcasm and teasing are my love languages, and I mostly try to keep a lid on it out of respect for guys I don’t know that well. But, sometimes, I can’t help myself. After our Windmills during warm-up, I asked Nature Boy what we were in the perfect starting position for. I think we can all guess his reply (“Can’t have a great day…”). To which I called “False!” and proceeded to lead us in Willy Mays Hayes. You’re a good sport, Nature.
  • We did Good Mornings next.
  • I cannot recall a single time that I have ever led Willy Mays Hayes without being cat-called. I am not sure I want to analyze too deeply why I keep calling them, but I am proud of my form and thank you for noticing.
  • I think Dirty Bomb and Swag are directly responsible for approaching 50% of current Carpexers. If we ever need to starfish this region, they are my Paul and Peter. Keep up the good work, men.
  • FOD has really nailed the naming these past few weeks. Proud of y’all.
  • TClaps to all the men that contributed by leading Mary today as we waited on the six. If you can lead a Mary, you can lead a workout…get them VQs!
  • Bless your heart, Franklin, you win my gold star for the day with your “you’re only 40?” comment today. This has been a challenging year for a lot of reasons, and it is good to be pulled out of that self-defeating perspective. F3 is great for that. Whatever you might be going through, there are men around you who can empathize and will come alongside you. Iron sharpens iron, as long as you put yourself in the way of the abrasive, scraping work of other men.

See also