The Bay of Fundy

I did something this morning that I have never done. No, not that. I Q’ed an AO where I had never posted. But it was the last one on the list and it needed to be done. And it was fitting that Term Paper was there to present me with the Award for Q’ing all AOs before the end of the year. (Note: One of the statements above is not true.)

A quick EC run with Pet Sounds back and forth on Greenways that seem to end around every turn. We may or may not have seen a woman getting dressed through her bedroom window.

0545 Here we go

We moseyed about 100 yards to the end of the parking lot and the “limited run” mumble chatter started immediately.

Warm Up
Good Morning, Windmill, Arm Circles, Seal Clap, Steve Earle

We Moseyed to the other end of the parking lot where there’s a pickle to run around and do stuff.

Thang 1
I had done this workout once before at Flying Circus and stated at the time it was definitely a good one, but needed a name. So recently with this Q on the schedule I heard a few PAX talking about the Bay of Fundy. It made me giggle and the rest is now Carpex history. Starting at the “opening” of the Bay we completed an exercise, then ran around the pickle back to the beginning, completed the afore mentioned exercise and added a new one. And so on and so on and so on. Each time increasing our reps by 5. When all was said and done, this is what we did.

Burpees x5
Merkins x10
LBC x15
Carolina Dry Docks x20
Squats x25
American Hammer x30
Hallelujah x35
SSH x40
Overhead Clap x45
Mountain Climber x50
Table Dips Leg Raises x55
Plank Hold x60 seconds

Just like the first time I attempted this, we ran out of time. But we did get closer to finishing. The only thing we didn’t do was repeat all of the exercises one last time before doing the 60 second plank hold.

Sadly I didn’t even have time for 100’s. (I promise to do 200 next time I Q.)

Announcements: All AOs closed Christmas Morning; FOD Convergence New Years Day.
Lots of prayers today: Ausfarht, Crimson, Matador (Raleigh), Swag’s wife, Pet Sounds co-worker. I’m sorry If I had forgotten some, but please know you’re in our prayers.

YHC took us out with a quote from 19th century writer Douglas Jerrold

“The superior man is he who develops, in harmonious proportions, his moral, intellectual and physical nature. This should be the end at which men of all classes should aim, and it is this only which constitutes real greatness.”

The More You Know
The Bay of Fundy lies between Canada’s Nova Scotia and New Brunswick provinces, and touches the U.S. state of Maine. It’s known for extremely high tides, as at spots like New Brunswick’s Hopewell Rocks. 


See also