The Apex Town Hall and Community Center Blues

Winter returned Thursday morning, but it was not enough to keep eight stallions in the fartsack.


Mosey over to the town hall parking lot and circle up for side straddle hops, plank jacks, hillbillies and Sir Fazio.

The Thang

Mosey the long way over to the alley behind the community center and line up for BTTW Indian run.  Everyone assumes the BTTW position, the man on the end gets to his feet and runs to the other end, assumes the BTTW position and yells GO to let the next man know it’s his turn to run.  Repeato until all men have run.

Mosey to the covered patio and split into two groups.  Each group rotates through running down the left, middle and right sidewalks, doing 10 star jumps at one end and 10 LBCs at the other.

Mosey the long way around the buildings to the alley for another BTTW Indian run.

Return to the patio for another round, with jumps squats and dying cock-a-roaches.

Mosey the long way around the buildings to the alley for the last BTTW Indian run.

Return to the patio for another round, with wide grip merkins and American hammers.

Just enough time to mosey the short way back to the alley for the last last BTTW Indian run.


Indian run back to the skate park and circle up for Freddy Mercurys, box cutters, one-legged Homer-to-Marge and WWII sit-ups.


Count-a-rama:  8 Name-a-rama:  0 RESPECTS, 8 mehs, 0 HATES Prayers / Praises:  Prayers for Yogi’s friend Tony as he continues to battle cancer, prayers for Grease Monkey and his family as they continue to deal with their health concerns, prayers for Spartan’s wife as she recovers from shoulder surgery, praise for YHC’s mother getting through surgery on her broken wrist and elbow without any complications. BOM:  YHC took us out.


I have been looking for a place to do the BTTW Indian run, and I finally found it at Bounty Hunters.  It requires a long wall with no windows or other obstacles at the top and no bushes or other obstacles at the bottom.  That alley is perfect.  Eight PAX seems like the right number for it.

It was nice to spend time with some of the Apex PAX that I don’t get to see very often, and to meet two relatively new guys Oxtail and Q-Quake.

Good mumble chatter from the PAX this morning, always makes the gloom more enjoyable.

Thank you for letting me lead.

See also