The After Party


Men, YHC and my M, Leah, had an absolute BLAST at the Christmas Party last night. Leah really enjoyed herself and loved meeting many of your M’s. She commented on the way home about how kind, outgoing, funny, and fun-loving everyone seemed to be. YHC intentionally took several moments to look around at everyone smiling, milling about, and having such a great time…and to listen to everyone laughing and talking. We really have something special here in CarPex – and YHC thanks God for you all! Rip and Burt, you outdid yourselves…amazing organizational leadership. Ma Bell, so proud of you and the humble, courageous way you lead. Callahan…I mean…what can YHC say about that speech?!  :)

FYI - the Christmas-Party-After-Party was at DZ, not the Greenhouse. YHC promised that the number of people at the party (and beers consumed) may or may not factor into the number of burbees would would perform at DZ…

It did.


20 absolute MONSTERS knowingly joined YHC at DZ for what was promised to be a burpee beatdown. Clear, cold air. Soggy turf. Let’s roll…

The Warmup

- Pledge of Allegiance - Mixed run around the pickle (x1.5) - BR, Karaoke, Regular - 1 PAX tries to sneak in late…YHC sees all… - SSH (x41); Squats (x41); St. Merkins (x41) LBC’s (x41) - Partner up - size matters. Run to the field where YHC had the Wolverine Flag planted 41 yds from the field end line by the rock pile.

The Thang

- Upgraded Uptown 50 (to meet CarPex HIM standards…and comply with YHC’s burbee pre-blast) – 12 sets of 10 NO CLAP Burbees (+1) performed at the line and then the flag; travel between the line and the flag with your partner as called by YHC: Crab Walk, Partner Carry (1), Partner Carry (2), Wheelbarrow (1), Wheelbarrow (2), Bk Run, AYG, Crawl Bear, Lunge Walk, Walk Crab, AYG. On the last set of 1, add 10 PENALTY BURPEES for the late PAX.

The Thang 2

- Rock My World (Catch Me If You Can carrying a rock): While your partner runs with his rock, drop and perform 10: Dying Rock Roaches, Rock Hammers, WWII Rock-Ups. - Put your rock back. Line up, AYG to the lot from the flag.


- LBC (x41)


See also