The 4th F is for Flexibility

Was happy to bring a little yoga to Claymore, excited that everyone was up for it, and ecstatic that all agreed to the NO mumble chatter request.

For what it is worth, please consider stretching more or incorporating yoga into your routine. Your body will thank you fo it.

**The Thang
**Mountain pose
Wide feet forward hamstring stretch w/ Torso twist
Split leg forward hamstring stretch
Standing side stretch

Sun Salutations
w/ Calf Stretch
w/ Runners Pose
w/ Side plank and raised arm & leg
Warrior 1
Warrior 2
Reverse Warrior
Triangle Pose
Chair pose
Prayer Twist

Balance Poses
Standing Leg Extension
Royal Dancer
Warrior 3

Seated Spine
One Legged Hamstring
Child Pose
Have A Nice Day

**Ruck at SNS 0500
Memorial Day Convergence
Night & Crazy Train coming up

Praises for Skipper’s job interview

YHC took us out with an anonymous quote

The greatest danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short, but in setting our aim too low and achieving our mark.


See also